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35 year old Male
Last online about 12 years ago
Eevee @eevee left a comment for ichigotom
Mar 25, 12 at 12:17pm
hi hi morning,woke up late lol didn't wan an get out of bed was tired from last night x3,but I'm up now and doing my round of chores,my lil dog eating o.o when i wake up so does she it funny! but yeh last night was fun,my friend dunked the clown lol that was fun too see,got to see friends and so it was all good,but i was more of a translator too since the people i went with only spoke spanish,and the carnival was all like american lol workers,so it was funny o.o ,well i hope there fish don't die! i never tried playing in carnival only once and i lost like 20$ for a dumb small animal i like never again!! if i buy stuff it only for food!! i did one go to a festival it had arts and craft stuff and food,it was about 1hr away went with my dad,and took my dog too ,it was okay they had random bands playing,i never went to italian one that sounds need,i went to a medieval one during school that was tons of fun!! Im kind of good and bad with my money,i shop at hot topic a lot so it expensive xD,i have sooo many shirts but there all fitting me too big so it stinks,so i guess I'm sell them and rebut me smaller sizes,i also bought these also cool pants they have straps on them sexyness!! >.> but when your on a diet can't buy much clothes until your happy with your size or else just buying clothes n selling it cuz don't fit within a month or so lol. I tend to buy plushy n toys a lot o.o; for my collection I'm like mineeeee,as a kid i did have toys and all but i gave them or sold them so it sad!! so seen a childhood toy is a must buy for me lol,i have some yugioh figs on my PC it cool =d
thank you I'll be back on after 3 if you get on again and still would like to talk...
josy94 @josy94 left a comment for ichigotom
Mar 25, 12 at 6:05am
Haha that's very nice :) I'm very fine thank you and how about u ? :D
Eevee @eevee left a comment for ichigotom
Mar 25, 12 at 12:45am
Also i cannot imagine a guy doing that o.o,i think I'm pretty brains dead when I'm getting hit on by a guy,he needs be straight up and tell me HEY I LIKE U! XD,or else I'm like dududud what >.>? when I see cute guys i get so shy,and tend to look down and look off to the side and hide ,i just get nervous!! I'm like eek -ninja hide-.i try express myself with my clothes wearing anime shirts,or necklace or pokemon stuff too,i know when i wear GIR!! people are like omg it gir lol
Eevee @eevee left a comment for ichigotom
Mar 25, 12 at 12:43am
I meet a guy who became my buddy,we used to play fight argue xD,Im not sure why but i would enjoy it very much just a lil argument over stuff,it just fun and not been to serious just been childish and all ! i like guys like that it was actually windy there no heat,so it was nice outside! and the float was yummy worth 3$!! lol,there was lots of people yup yup spending there mula. oki back to the asians haha,where I used to live when you went to the mall you see all the asian group,then all hispanic group.Me i was with my nerdy otaku buddys lol,but i think azn stuck with azn,they seem hard to get,if i do see them dating it usually pink chicks! or emo girls ,i don't mind the emo style it cool and all,but i don't think i ever meet a super emo ! or how they are in relationships lol. i don't see why i get hit on,online but never RL!! Im like blah is there something wrong with me '-'?? are guys picky or to shy to say something to me..to i got to wear a sign that says "otakus wanted!" xd, where i used to live it is bigger city,and i live now in a small town and so it bit different,but i prefer small over large city I'm not sure why
Eevee @eevee left a comment for ichigotom
Mar 25, 12 at 12:08am
today i found bleach manga and shonen magazine also. anime bit rare for me find,also for it to be in good condition! my flea market a bit ghetto they toss lot of toys on tables so sometimes they brake,they don't put them up in line all neat lol. plushys are thrown in piles on ground,usually on top of blanket,so yeh got jump in and see what you find o=! but it fine
Eevee @eevee left a comment for ichigotom
Mar 25, 12 at 12:06am
I ish home,so my step bro,cuzens and friends lol! at the carnival there slot of people,I didn't think there where many scene/emo looking kids but there are a lot of them!! but they look young lol dam! I'm prob. older then them >o> poo@!! Yeh I became a cam. whore once i lost weight and got my mac,i guess I felt better about myself and not so shy,and i like taking pics of my anime plushys luff them! oh and of my dog too but she moves around a lot so hard take pics. Carnival was fun,but the people i went with spent way to much trying win a dam lil goldfish ,I'm like go to walmart and buy one,and say you won it! simple lol. I guess I just like saving money sometimes,I know it carnival suppose be fun,but her 5$ bucks can go along way,I did buy a root beer float for 3$ that all i spent my mula on. I know it probably fun to go with a bf,and let him win you stuff but I rather him just buy me a pokemon plush from japan and i take it with me and be like YEH MY PLUSHY PWNZ URS LOL. flea markets are my life,I'm actually a vendor in one my flea markets,and so i meet some people and know who sells good stuff like toys and plushys.I also get good price swell ^^ people know me so it all good,I get a rush when finding stuff it like treasure hunt you never know what you get,I find stuff for me,friends and for sale! people tell me they want something if i see it for good price i buy it and re-sell ,I have one friend who likes hello kitty,another star wars,another toy story,another pokemon so yeh! I'm always looking for stuff. Best anime item I found was the ryo-ohki plush in my pic! t new with tags and adorable and good size,in great condition then it be the gaara plush!
Eevee @eevee left a comment for ichigotom
Mar 24, 12 at 8:11pm
Lol you type a lot!! I decide to go preppy but cute =3,I have so many random styles! Im just different x] I don't wear make up no thank you! never wore it,closet make up would be lip-gloss lol well my ride be here at 8:30 but I'm ready,so decide to take pics of me nerviness! i think i became a cam whore when I got my MAC! I take to many pics of myself lol, i don't do cam chat but i like taking pics especially with my plushys x3 oh yeh we latinas are so crazy when you tick us off,we talk like spanish but mainly cursing lol,I don't like cursing much especially in movies that have a lot in them i just see no point in it! Im not a fighter,i usually stay quiet but if people talk mess about me I do get mad and confront them,like a lil firecracker lol I remember I tried winning a big lion plush,but the guy was like nah you got spend 100$ so i like screw that!! lol,spent like 20$ on a tiny toy it was the dumbest thing i ever did! stuff rigged and they try get you.. But I spend my mull at the flea market,I bough a huge lion plush about 30inch long!!! lol he so huge and cute sleeps in my bed ^^ no rides,i watch if my friends go on them and maybe take pics
no not the how in forums... in the serious talk post
I did ask u a question in a post awhile ago... seems like ur swamped with a lot of talk...