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Is long distance and age really a big deal

Ohio is such a state, though I think that law was put up because they were tired of arresting 18 year olds the day they turn 18 just because a disapproving parent wanted to break them apart. Either way, I don't really look at girls under 20 anymore. I think I'm catching Cecil's "old". But with distance, I can probably maintain one with a girl who is maybe a state over. Since most of my friends live about 40 minutes to 1 hour in literally every direction, that would be more of the same. But any further than that, and I'd rather be internet buddies who regularly meet at conventions.
Long distance, don't mind. Age, must be 18 so yes it's a big deal for me on that part.
OK question for those who have experienced or are in LDR Is daily messaging a drag? I'm not talking about actually engaging in conversation just quick messages or updates on your day. Is that too much to ask? also if your partner feels that their career requires more time and will stop messaging you and maybe on weekend they will get in contact with you. What does that mean?
Wallace614, I have a bit experience in LDR and a bit of texting shouldn't be that hard to do even if the individual is busy since they'll most likely have their phone with them anyways. I'm not saying they should text back immediately but a few text within a few hours should be good enough, really. If you're only able to contacts them on the weekends, I would just end it honestly.
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I believe long distance isn't a big deal, however I think it depends on the person if the persons has lots of friends and family maybe even work commitment I think it be even harder for a LDR to work but if they have nothing to hold them back I think it be easier especially if both people have nothing holding them back. Also as others have mention it about how far the distance between each person, I agree with Rickowned 1 or 2 state is about reasonable distance to travel. As for age I agree with madara0727 and Xasoraen(Kacey) 5 or 6 year gap younger or older seems right as your more likely to have the same experiences or likes or growing at the same level also you beable connect more with their friends. However I do also think it depends on the individual some people seem way wiser for their age while others seem way younger for their age.I'm in my 20's yet many people that I don't know think I'm a teenager when they meet me. @ Cadettealright and @ The Misplaced Youth make good points.
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I have done the long distance thing before, not really my thing. As for age the closer the better 21+.
18+ im turning 30 this month. 12 years difference now. i did say 10 years difference before but theres smart 18 year olds
Here is my 2 cents. You don't have to agree. Long distance I feel can work, but very rarely. I think too many variables have to be in the equation. For example, if either one has issues with lack of physical comfort and affection it will end if that person meets someone new and can get that. There is so much more emotion and a feeling of love, connectivity, and compassion when you can actually touch, hold, kiss the other person. Even just physically being near them. Also where you are both in life. Relocation is not an easy endeavour. There are so many more things. I tried it once...it is rough. Now age I'm a little bit more easy on. I would go 6 below and 2 up probably. And thats just necause of my age. When I was 24 it would have looked more like 3 below 6 above. And at 18 more like no below and 10 above.
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