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What is your favourite movie?

I'm just curious, I hope I get some good answers ! I'd love to watch something new!
The Crow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crow_(1994_film) Donnie Darko https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donnie_Darko Requiem for a Dream https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requiem_for_a_Dream The Fountain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountain MirrorMask https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MirrorMask Leon: The Professional https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9on:_The_Professional Sorry, I love many movies!
Jul 23, 16 at 8:06am
Bakemono no Ko http://myanimelist.net/anime/28805/Bakemono_no_Ko Doukyuusei http://myanimelist.net/anime/30346/Doukyuusei_Movie Saint☆Oniisan http://myanimelist.net/anime/15771/Saint%E2%98%86Oniisan_Movie Summer Wars http://myanimelist.net/anime/5681/Summer_Wars Couldn't pick one haha
My top five favorite movies of all time are Kill Bill 1 and 2, Anastasia (1997), Troop Beverly Hills, and Princess Mononoke. But I think most people have seen those. ^^
the book of eli
The Matrix. Runner-up: Rush Hour If u wanted something less known: The Protector starring Tony Jaa. U will love all the bonebreaking over a pet elephant...haha
Honestly, there are far too many good films that it's too difficult to really pinpoint even a top 5 list. But I reckon if there is one film I had to choose above any other film that I love in more ways than any other film then it's easily John Carpenter's The Thing from 1982. In my opinion, it's the best horror film of all time and I've seen a LOT of horror films - the concept of a microscopic alien being, slowly assimilating and taking over human beings; literally becoming monsters in disguise is a terrifying concept. Knowing that someone who was once your friend has now been completely taken over and is nothing more than a monster laying in wait is a genius idea for a monster - plus the grotesque, twisted and hideous monster designs really amplifies that aspect in my opinion. Of course The Thing goes further back than John Carpenter's interpretation with the 1951 film as well as the original novella "Who Goes There?" from 1938 but I feel the 1982 version is where its ideas and concepts really took off in a big way. I feel it's had an impact that's almost as big as the first two Alien films did, especially when it came to monster designs in later films and games - like if you watch The Thing and you go to play a game like Resident Evil 4 or Dead Space then drawing the inspirations that film had on them is incredibly easy to see. It's been a huge inspiration for me when it comes to my creative shizzle; especially writing - I enjoy making short horror stories and there's always at least one aspect of The Thing that I can use as inspiration when I need it because it's that good of a film and I feel almost all of its ideas translates really well in just about every form of media. So yeah, I guess The Thing is probably my favourite movie of all time. Just don't search that shit up on Google Images if you don't have the stomach for grotesque shit.
@Dandaman If you like Tony Jaa, you might wanna try Tom yum goong, he got famous from that film. :)
Blade Runner is my favorite film of all time, hands down. Every time I watch it I get something new out of it. I mainly tend to go for Sci-Fi, Action, and Fantasy, so I'm big on the staples: Star Wars, Back to the Future, Lord of the Rings, Planet of the Apes, Ghostbusters, and Indiana Jones. But I also like a lot of really old classic films, so I'll throw you some curve balls and name a few movies that are a bit more off the beaten path: Battleship Potemkin The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Double Indemnity High Noon An American in Paris The Seventh Seal Cat People Mr. Smith Goes to Washington @InfernalMonsoon I'm also a big fan of The Thing, and John Carpenter in general. I really have a thing for horror from the 70's and 80's, but I also really like the original version of The Thing, as well as the novella. All good stuff. It's got a lot of the same qualities I enjoy in H.P. Lovecraft's stories. I'm probably more fond of horror / comedies than straight horror, though. Actually, horror that's just unintentionally funny is also great. XD @cinnamoon Princess Mononoke is my favorite Studio Ghibli film! I was working at a video rental store when I was 16, and I pushed it to our customers to the point that I think at least 30 people ended up watching it and liking it. @loli Good pick there with The Fountain! I don't know why that movie doesn't get more love. I thought it was incredible, and one of Hugh Jackman's better performances. @Manami Which Tony Jaa movie is it that has that incredible single shot fight sequence up a stairwell? That was awesome! I like movies, if you guys couldn't tell. ^^;
I have list as I can't pick one ^_^ The green mile Requiem for a dream Fight club American history X The thing Shutter island Battle Royale Oldboy Lord of the rings Star wars Dodge ball Anchor man The nightmare before Christmas Beetlejuice Edward scissor hands The evil dead series The Goonies I had better stop haha :P
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