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The life of an otaku

Aug 09, 12 at 6:59pm
It's tough in the social world due to the stereotypes, but there are actually many people who are accepting of "otaku" hobbies. I tend to not use the word liberally, since people tend to freak out and screech "weeaboo" the second they hear any non-Asian person say it, but whatever the word is for "someone whose life revolves around nothing more than anime, manga, and games", it's a very fun and enjoyable experience when within a group of the right people(and yourself)! :3 My hobbies are probably the most important thing about myself, and if people don't accept me for it, they're just not meant to be my friend. It's okay to be one.
Aug 09, 12 at 10:17pm
I'm not an otaku and never really have been, so I've never really felt the need to hide my interest in anime/manga since it wasn't something that took up a huge part of my life. I find that most people like anime/manga to some extent anyway. What I can't relate to is why some people talk like badly dubbed anime characters. It just seems fake, and it's one of the things that I do feel a little shy/embarrassed about when people immediately associate people who like anime (me) with people who try so hard to be a cartoon character. But really, "otaku" is a stereotype, and obviously not every otaku is the same or have the exact same interests. So if anybody DOES feel embarrassed to be an otaku, then they really shouldn't be, because when other people say it, they're including the things you don't like, and that's not really you, is it? This was really badly written, sorry if nobody understands me.
Aug 10, 12 at 12:46am
Well I do understand that but I think for myself the hardest thing to do is tell my family because Of own customes and culture I don't think they understand but still I enjoy it to the max when I'm in My room or out and about
Aug 10, 12 at 4:06am
The otaku aspect, for me, really comes out in my life aspirations and my art. Nobody judges me for that, and if I do, they're starring in my next mini strips that put people on blast. I'm known as the Artist. I want to be so for the rest of my life. And I also have a passion for foreign languages and performing/improvising. So it just kinda comes together to make me seem super nerdy (besides my obvious love of learning) in something that a good majority of the "otaku minority" also love.
I'm really open about it, although the people in my area don't exactly know what it is. When they see me reading a light novel or walking around with a Happy (Fairy Tail) backpack on, I tell them what it is and try to explain it in the simplest way possible ^___^ the way I feel is, if people think it's weird and dislike me for it, then they're just people not worth giving my time anyway! :P and I don't mean just not being into it, I mean people who make fun of otaku culture and the people interested
Aug 12, 12 at 9:46pm
Its kinda hard for me to tell people that im into anime and that i love doing otaku related things like cosplaying when ever the question comes up "what are your hobbies?", but eventually ill get passed that stage. I have a group of friends that all love anime as much as i do, but family wise its hard to live the life of an otaku. Im living life like kirino from the anime "ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii". I never let my cousins or relatives or some friends(friends that i played sports with like football or basketball)know im into anime or let them go into my room because its full with anime wall scrolls,mangas, anime figures,etc and i always lock it, even when i go the restroom. My sisters don't really care or say anything about my hobby but my cousins or friends i play sports with would make fun of me, but i usually try to ignore it . The only time i can enjoy doing otaku related things its when im with my friends or when im at home watching anime and reading manga. What made me not tell people about my hobby was ever since my ex girlfriend dumped me because she didn't like that i was into anime and said that anime is childish -_-. I do hide my otaku side but if i meet someone,and find out that the person im talking to likes anime i would let them know that im into anime as well.
Aug 12, 12 at 9:50pm
(Seems to me that your girlfriend is childish for dumping you for something you're passionate about. But meh. You don't need her. :P)
Aug 12, 12 at 10:06pm
yeah, i agree
Aug 13, 12 at 6:23am
light323: same as what Kyetge! said. Glad you agree, even though you still feel less open about being into anime :/ I don't hide it, but I don't really get many chances to show it off, either. I'm practically a hikkikomori when university's not in session (not because I want to be, but because there aren't many places to go without leaving town, and few of them are fun without other people, plus joint and light sensitivity conditions that make it un-fun to hike any more or be in the sunlight at all). When university is in session, I sometimes hang out in public with other people who like anime (when they're around), and I consistently go to the local anime club, so... *shrug*
I'm fairly open about things... I have felt that fear of alienation, but I shrug it off because it is what it is. I don't see why I have to change for the sake of others...
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