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Your Gaming Habits

Here,discuss your gaming habits. In my case,I seem to have a big tendency toward games Made In Japan (though,it's mostly out of habit,more than anything else) with having 2 games made elsewhere only. I especially play JRPGS (Shin Megami Tensei,Tales of and Pokemon being my faves) and 2-D fighters not named Street Fighter. Other than that,I currently own a Xbox 360,a Wii,a DS,a PSP and a PS2 with the latter being my privileged console.
I play video games only socially now. Thank god. WHERE DID ALL THIS FREE TIME COME FROM ;_;
Free time occupied by Diablo 3 ATM. Trying to sell stuff on the real money auction house. Only made around 10-11$ so far. Give me your MONIES!!!!
Jul 10, 12 at 9:06am
I'll usually jump on any of the main franchises that the big N comes out with: Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon ect. My favorite series is probably Castlevania, which I'm currently addicted to playing online with my PS3. I also enjoy a good fighting game now and then, though that's usually just a weekend rental.
I'd probably be more of a Big N-fanboy if they bothered with some franchises (Starfox and F-zero come to mind..)
Jul 10, 12 at 8:33pm
The bulk of my video gaming is visual novels and JRPGs... so yeah, mostly stuff out of Japan too. XD I'll play a few games in other genres except for first person shooters. I don't care for those at all. =P
Oct 07, 12 at 1:54pm
Playin w/ music on backgroud
I play Claw on xbox and ps3 controller. My index finger pushes for example on PS3 (X, circle, square, and triangle) while my middle finger uses the bumper and trigger.
I am a pretty hardcore gamer. I try to play all new releases from gaming company's such as Gearbox, Ubisoft, blizzard(Of course), Naughtydog, and others. But I mainly play PC games. If I am playing Xbox 360 it is going to be Halo, Gears, and soon to be Colonial Marines(Had a pre order for this for 5 years now).
I'm a pretty varied gamer. Recently, I've been digging deep into Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, Forza 4, Guild Wars 2, Xenoblade, Last Story, One Piece Pirate Warriors, Monster Hunter, XCOM Enemy Unknown, and Persona 4 Arena. Super fatigued with all the sequels if ya haven't noticed lol. My habits are pretty bad actually haha. I love going to those midnight releases for big titles. Depending on the game and location, there is always a party for that kind of thing.
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