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Girls Asking Out Guys?

Once again, @yaasshat owns it ~W
Personally I've been the one who asked the majority of girlfriends out - although there were a few who had the courage to ask me out and I accepted because they had the bravery to take matters into their own hands. Honestly, I see a lot of girls and even guys to an extent waiting for the person they like to ask them out only to find that they were never asked out in the end and I understand why people would regret that and to be fair, you should regret it if you're just waiting for someone to ask you out. The fix for that though is simple, if you have feelings for someone just tell them! Find somewhere you'll feel comfortable telling them and just let it out. You're not going to look "desperate" nor "thirsty" if you ask someone out, even if they don't accept just getting it off your chest is a wonderful feeling on its own. It's a matter of taking initiative, if you're not going to do it then you should never expect the person you like to do it because chances are, they won't ask you out and you'll regret not telling them your feelings. Both guys and girls should think like that when there's someone they like if they want them.
hell yeah pimp all girls should ask ppl out
I'd be happy if a girl asked me out. If you really don't want to ask a guy out, you better give some good hints.
The last time a girl came up to me to ask me out/ for my phone # I was in High school and it was the 90s... If I can only turn back the sands of time . . .
Aug 13, 15 at 9:48pm
I can honestly say, in all my 35 years on this planet, I've only been asked out by a girl or have been asked for my phone number around three times. Vast majority of the time, it's been me who has done the asking. I'm sure I've been flirted with a handful of times, but nothing ever really came of it. I don't mind doing the asking though if I feel there's a connection. I've said it before, but I do wish girls would be more assertive and ask the guy out if they really like them. I get the social stereotype of the guy always asking the girl, but it's 2015. I think it's socially okay at this point for a girl to ask a guy out. Some guys are frankly dense when it comes to the dating game, and no amount of flirting or hint dropping is going to make them ask you out. Like anything related to the dating game, you sometimes have to put yourself on the line and risk getting hurt, but from my personal experience, I know a good majority of guys would be pretty flattered to be asked out by a girl.
I've had a few girls ask me out. All turned down. I'd rather girls DO ask me out. I would only ask a girl out if I knew her very well and I almost did ask one out once. I really should have, i'm kicking myself for letting her go.
I'm looking for my sailor Moon
Aug 15, 15 at 4:20pm
Due to past experiences, I much prefer the girl ask me out. For one, I have become pretty dense since I'm used to being a friend, thus I never want to take the chance of guessing and more than likely screwing up a friendship ya know? Second, I have found that most women I am interested in are sure as beck not interested in me, thus I don't like approaching any because of embaressing experiences in the past >.< . Pretty much it for me. I just pref. them to make the move on me >.<...
I agree with (twitch)reckncru. But heck yeah I would like to see more girls asking guys out and start flirting. I'm a shy guy when it comes to initiating.
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