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https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/perkins-coie-partner-resigns-from-firm-after-he-is-charged-by-special-counsel Perkins Coie partner resigns from firm after he is charged by special counsel BY DEBRA CASSENS WEISS SEPTEMBER 17, 2021, 11:30 AM CDT Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann resigned from the law firm after he was indicted Thursday on a charge of lying to the FBI. The indictment stems from a September 2016 meeting in which Sussmann gave the FBI general counsel information about an alleged secret channel of communications between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, according to a Justice Department press release. Sussmann is accused of lying when he said he wasn’t bringing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client; he actually brought the allegations on behalf of at least two clients, including Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, the Justice Department alleges. Donald Trump was a presidential candidate at the time. The FBI eventually determined there was insufficient evidence to support the allegation of a secret communications channel, prosecutors say. The computer under scrutiny was used by a mass marketing email company that sent ads for Trump hotels and other clients. Sussmann was indicted in special counsel John Durham’s probe into the origins of the investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 election. Trump had touted the inquiry as a way to show that politics motivated the Russia probe. Durham previously indicted FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith for changing an email to help justify surveillance of a former Trump campaign official. In addition to the Clinton campaign, Sussmann was representing a tech executive who “exploited his access to nonpublic data at multiple internet companies to conduct opposition research concerning Trump,” the indictment says.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCjyqziVSMA If your a socialist, you should consider looking a deep analysis of your own. These are the guys who fight for your side. The only one I've seen who actual cares, and unmaliciously interprets your cause. Is Destiny and he is considered a out cast by these very people. They only see the movement as a power move, and for profit unironically.
Nov 13, 21 at 8:49pm
@echo_coil Wait uh... Who are Vaush and Destiny? Wait, Destiny is the guy who owns alt right propagandists and neo nazis, right? Good on him. Didn't know he was socialist. But I try to stick to people who are more policy driven. Also, are you new to the left, because questioning our own 'authorities' and information sources are just something we do regularly.
Nah man, Destiny is a actual socialist. He debates frequently with people like Sargon. Which mind you Sargon is a pro Capitalist. Destiny is called alt right, but it's really weird to say that. When he literally funds socialist campaigns with his sweet sweet twitch money. Not something you see in many circles my bud. I never seen a actual "alt right neo nazis", just people screaming about it or when they wanna discredit someone's work. My political standing is common sense.
@chocopyro Open your mind to my favorite "Comedy Show"; Sitch and Adam! Very based fellows, love them. Adam can have tismy takes on voting age registrations, and Sitch is a former "Star Wars prequels are worse then the sequels" kind of guy. But that is the only awful takes they have in total honesty. Other then that, they can really balance the political stuff incredibly well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sze7lbq60Ao
Nov 14, 21 at 9:03am
@echo_coil If you don't see them, I'd be happy to point them out to you. I have family in the klan, and can dissect their dog whistles pretty well. It can be hard to parse them from actual conservatives for the uninformed, and that's by design. Needless to say, their ideas aren't exactly popular to anyone. But if they could get moderate conservatives to sound like them, it makes them able to blend in better, and it makes their beliefs more assessable to the mainstream. Could explain why you don't see them. I think I remember Sargon as the guy who can't cite a study to save his life. Just kind of wrote him off after that point. He isn't alt right himself, but they do use him as a gateway by recruiting from his anti-SJW stuff audience. Pff, how dare Destiny try to fund clearing the snow off our roads and fire departments trying to control wildfires in California! Goin around opening homeless shelters and trying to buff up welfare for the people who live at my income level. Inexcusable! Grumble grumble grumble. (Seriously, we're a mixed economy. Socialism doesn't scare me.) If a socialist wants to be a millionaire, that just means he's okay with getting taxed more, which is going to help alleviate the burden on the middle class. I wish more billionaires were socialist. After all, for capitalism to work, money can't stagnate. Meanwhile you have Billionaires who just hide their money offshores every time tax season comes up. Excuse the rant, this late into NNN, I turn into an anarchist. Normally I sit around libertarian leftist. Anyways, interesting vid. Reminds me of Abe Lincoln's Top Hat. A political podcast from Ben Kissle at Fox News (who they keep trying to introduce as a liberal consultant, when he's actually libertarian.) He gets on with another independent and often shares some hit or miss jokes, but his ability to stay informed and maintain a fair and balanced opinion is refreshing this day in age. Now let me show you three channels from my side of the fence. I watch this guy who's an anarchist that is generally spot on when it comes to making political predictions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re2-E1cyEwg&t I watch this guy because he's a moderate iraq war vet who's very well informed on various topics. He is very knowledgeable in history and sociology, and often looks at and dissects astroturfed movements like the Teaparty and antivax movements, as well as a lot of societal problems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDrJo8d45gc And I watch this guy when it comes to policy, because despite being on the left, he holds both parties accountable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylT0H5delW4 And more than any of these people, I prefer to watch actual experts in the fields when it comes to forming an opinion on a trending topic. The thing about these three channels is they usually have done that work as well.
@chocopyro Hold on mate, your being a hypocrite there. Your saying as long as a socialist is rich, it doesn't matter if they follow their ideals. Then what makes em different then taxing someone that isn't a socialist? I'm taking the time to see you rhetoric, but I know flagging things that conflict your ideologies alt right is going to hurt you in the long run. We cast down pastures from churches, cause they don't follow the word of the bible. Why not cast down socialists who don't follow their own social bible. I love ya, but saying people are "actual experts" is a bad faith argumentation. You want change now, but throwing people under the bus who doesn't share your ideals is not a great start. Plus no offense, but their is a clear bias coming from klans men history. Your intense fear of the "klan", will cloud your judgment and stump people you assume might be without doing your research. I think you should consider motivating your idols to begin CO-OPS, rather then devaluating my argumentations.
Nov 14, 21 at 10:59am
Woah, sorry, must've hit a chord there. Listen, I'm a believer in both socialism and capitalism. Both are playing with fire, but both can accomplish some great things with them if you know what you're doing in the kitchen. Now sweeping generalizations and analogies aside (Sorry, I'm Appalachian, I use them a lot as a means of relating to people), most of the developed countries in the world are mixed economies. Even Denmark, the poster child for modern socialism has income brackets. The united states is no exception. Therefore, unlike a communist, I believe a socialist can still accrue wealth and play the capitalist game. The only thing that changes is where he or she believes that the GOVERNMNENT should allocate its money. Not the individual. A socialist is just more inclined to pay their fair share. Since we pay taxes in incremental brackets, a socialist billionaire WOULD be more likely to pay more in taxes than the average people. At the end of the day, I don't care whether a billionaire is socialist or capitalist. JUST AS LONG AS THEY'RE NOT EXPLOITING TAX LOOPHOLES! On the topic of actual experts, allow me to clarify. Here's an actual expert qualified in her area of study teaching a college lecture on the oppression of rural whites in the country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cPII2l-K4s Regarding the Klan. You fear what you don't fully understand. I understand these people. If one of them started trying to explain what the video just did, it would be distorted with all kinds of ugly beliefs. But to me, they're family. And I don't fear them. And honestly, I am suffering from rather severe depression after the loss of my twin brother, so quite frankly, I don't care if I die in the next five minutes. I've run out of that kind of willpower. Thank god my self preservation instinct remains, so suicide isn't an option my mind has taken into account. But hey. If a guy points an AR in my face, I may just try to subdue them bare handed. What happens happens. I neither call that courage nor fear. It's nihilism. So yes, I have my biases, but I sure know how they distort information using branding tactics.
Nov 14, 21 at 11:03am
I gotta head out now. Later.
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