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Otakus Vs Society

You know throughout the forums I've been to, I've noticed this sorta hatred for Society and anything that is mainstream.I've been to Doujinstyle.com,NisAmerica.com,The Mugen Community, and other places that have otakus crawling around. I noticed the otaku members there would be disdainful towards society and I'm wondering is that how some of you feel here too. While I'm not into the current standards and customs of society such as partying,drinking,sex,COD,Sports etc. I STILL have no hate for them to be quite honest and I'm mainly asking to see if there's anyone around here who doesn't agree with their way and customs/don't like their way and customs yet STILL not hate all of society. But if you DO hate Society why not tell me why exactly? Don't worry I'm not calling out anyone who does hate society, it's just a curiosity question really :P
Nov 05, 12 at 11:33am
I dont hate society I am dissapointed with it and think that it could be better but moping about it solves nothing so I have to act on it and try to make society better for others by being friendly and open minded to peoples probs and dillemas I also want a society where all otakus and regular people get along I know thats a pipe shot but I will definitely try my best I follow my role model naruto laugh at me if you will he is my role model and will stay that way I will not hate society though people have to have something to hate on persecute because if they dont it does not help with their self esteem usually a good amount of people are more then willing to step on somebody else if it means getting something they want another thing is that otakus are not cared for by normal people is because it is nature in a person to hate difference something they cannot understand they usually subjugate and isolate it and group on it as well but there are people that are otakus that do the same thing I do not get mad at them for it though because they did start the fight between society and us still I am dissapointed in it but not hating towards it.
it is not so much a hatred as a disopiontment/frustration at society. for me i feel that what could be great has been since crapped on. i feel that our current society in america has lost the important meaning of certain things. also, i would like to say i have experiances in the being ivolved in some of the norms of our society, but it wasa just not me. I am well know by many in my school for one reason or another, but i tend to stick close to some of my friends. when it comes to things like love i dont feel most young people take it seriously. some people get in a new relationship each week. i personally want to find someone i can spend a while being with. maybe not forever right away but it woulld not be some 3 week long thing like alot of people i know. i know 1 couple who have been together for 4 years and have a very mature type of love. but there is also one person i know who is in a new relationship every month.
Nov 05, 12 at 12:49pm
Who is that phoenix I am looking for somebody to spend my life with and have not found anybody yet to be honest I have found somebody partially you could say but i would not want to talk about that on a forum i will pm you it later on and please promise to keep it between you and me
i said i want to find that person, but i have not yet sadley.
Nov 05, 12 at 12:56pm
You will dont worry you seem quite interesting and well aware of the going ons around you somebody will pick up on that im sure
lol ya i just keep telling myself that. i do hope to find someone one day, sooner rather than lately idealy. the biggest challange for me is that i am a mix of Otaku and Country boy... not the easist mix lol
Nov 05, 12 at 1:02pm
I understand that i have a accent of a texan so its not my favorite thing too I also grew up in the country which isnt good either for being a otaku but I am a huge otaku that is for sure I did not let the country stop me there
Nov 05, 12 at 2:02pm
I have a heavy southern accent, but I've gotten rid of it threw practice. I hate being from the south.
Nov 05, 12 at 2:02pm
I have a heavy southern accent, but I've gotten rid of it threw practice. I hate being from the south.
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