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What type of Nen User are you? (HxH))

Jul 18, 23 at 8:11am
Here is what I got: You are a Conjurer! Similar to Transmuters, Conjurers can craft their aura into different physical objects. You can also affix rules and conditions to your objects to increase their capabilities and tighten their focus; while any Nen user can take advantage of this, it's especially effective for Conjurers. Conjurers tend to be stoic and strict, holding fast to their personal beliefs and principles.
I'm still going to conjure a mother fucking gunblade. https://media.tenor.com/ntPSee98q9IAAAAC/squall-squal.gif
Mrs. Salt @verucassault I knew it! That's why we are such goodie friends
You can conjure a gunblade, but you still need to be a specialist to use it. Don't you know your FFVIII lore or were you too distracted by Triple Triad, Chicken Wuss?
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