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Akyju @akyju commented on Alone
Apr 16, 17 at 9:42am
You could copy your story and paste it to my life. I am still somone without any own friends, the only people i know are the ones i know from my brother. I had friends in school, but as you mentioned, theyre gone by now, even at university I cant buid up friendships. I am not unhappy with it but in some situations I feel like it would be better to share it with someone rather than enjoying it alone. To be in some kind of a shell to feel yourself safe in is not bad I think and even if youre 24/7 in it like I am in my room, sometimes you can go out. For myself i can say i don't go out to anything, no sports, no meeting, no party, nothing, just walking my dog. I can say it is very hard to find someone in a situation like this and im wondering if i will ever find someone since I'm kinda stuck between staying home and not meet people and wanting to go out to meet people, I am just too afraid to even ask basic questions, well I cant even order pizza. In order to step out of it you need to do activities i guess and go out to places where you can meet people, atleast try to. I for myself even when I go somewhere I would never even think about asking someone, I just want to be there and hope someone will come to me. That drastically reduces the chances to find someone but I am too shy to ask and too afraid of being rejected. So all in all I just stay home and hope that someday I meet the right person. Sounds like a contradiction, maybe it is but for myself I cant think of another way.
Apr 16, 17 at 12:30pm
@Akyju I'm not any good in social situations either, but here's what I think of that had helped somewhat. Think of it differently. There's no need to force "putting yourself out there" and make yourself vulnerable in order to approach people. Our own fear of being judged or rejected and the anxiety of how to act optimally is already preventing that. The moment anyone sees you, you're already being judged, just from the sight/voice of you, and any more interactions only built upon the first impression - there's no escape. Why not just stand your ground if we're all being judged instantly anyway. By fearing rejection and thereby not approaching, you've already rejected yourself from your person of interest. Getting rejected before being rejected sounds pretty lame isn't it. I think of this whenever I feel an overwhelming amount of anxiety before approach someone I'm interested in. Well, obviously there's no need to approach everyone you see but maybe just people that you find strong interests and/or attraction in. Another thing is timing, you don't want to approach people that's occupied, yet don't make that an excuse not to approach later though. Sometimes when opportunity strikes, you gotta grab it by the throat. It gets better with practice man, as your confidence build up. It does. We all feel you, since everyone's been there before.
Akyju @akyju commented on Alone
Apr 16, 17 at 12:45pm
Even if I would approach someone who I have an interest from the looking of it, i dont instantly want to ask them for a friendship or anything that sounds even more desperate. But lets say i would approach someone and came to talk with her. It's not only based on the lookings of a person with who you want to be with, its mostly based on the attitude, behaviour, likes and dislikes, and preferences. So when i would talk to someone for a while and find out its not the kind of person i would like, that just sounds rude to say like no sorry, not my style. Plus i could never say that after i approached someone, if you get approached its easy to say no, but not if youre the one.
bakatako @bakatako commented on Alone
Apr 17, 17 at 2:56am
There will be a time, might be soon, might be later, in fact might be never, that you just let one big sigh out and say fuck it. The first steps are always the scariest to do in any situations that you never put yourself in or been in before. As life goes on you will make some breakthroughs that can turn your life into anew. This is just my own take on life and preferences, but life is a lot more fulfilling just taking that step(even if you have to make yourself look silly but smack the side of your face hard it actually works xD but if not its entirely your choice :P) and do what you actually want. You get rejected big woop, there will be many more opportunities in life. Every waking moment in life offers your endless choices to make, so why not from time to time break that mold of anxiety of fear and overthinking how a situation plays out and actually experience it. If it fails, that doesn't mean its over. You might hear this a lot but to truly make good use of mistakes is to take a step back and look at the mistakes and learn from it. It might not even be a mistake just simply its not meant to happen. TL;DR Use the fuck it agenda and keep going at it with what is that you want to do, the outcome can surprise you at times.
Apr 23, 17 at 3:23pm
"You are not alone, I am here with you."
GunvoltX @gunvoltx commented on Alone
Apr 30, 17 at 1:47am
The first thing you must do is step out of your comfort zone and actually talk to people. Look up what kind of clubs or teams your college has and trying joining one that's about something you're interested in. That way you'll already have something in common with the people there. The best way to start a conversation with someone is to ask them a question about themselves. For example, you see someone with a t-shirt of a rock band. You can ask: "Hey, are you a fan of [insert band name here]?" They say yes and then you can add on to it by asking them what other bands they like. Again, the most important thing you must do is to actually try to talk to people. If for some reason someone doesn't want to talk to you, just move on to someone else. People are not as scary as you might think.
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