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emotionally abused but i love her

May 18, 16 at 8:43pm
make some toast with some butter
https://youtu.be/VJ3j5jp5IoY TLDR = GTFO of that relationship while you can. Of course you love her for the same reason abuse victims love their abusers. This individual is a very toxic person and dangerous. Here is the bitter truth man, you can not fix people, certainly not from a place of complete submission as you are now. Even if you get strong and fight for balance she will always see the person she dominated and never respect you eternally battling for control, at best she will fake niceness till she gets what she wants and when you get comfortable the cycle of abuse starts all over again. She is a human being and has to fix herself if she wants and must do it through professional help and you may need some too. Just from what you describe she is definitely a high-end manipulator with signs of narcissism and psychopathy; a dangerous trio. It is every persons personal responsibility to never allow harm be placed upon them at all costs meaning removing toxic people from your life or fleeing them if you must. I am sorry to tell you this but you can not save this one and you may literally die trying one day. I have seen this dance play out many times it usually ends badly. Get out of there and fix your own life and find a partner who values you more than a punching bag. In relationships the one who is the most invested has the most to lose and is easily manipulated out of fear having no power; men or women it does not matter they do it to each other all the time. Men are typically more physically abusive and women more emotionally abusive as that is their default domains given to them by nature. When you leave she will likely manipulate you into staying though fake appeasement or guilt/shaming failing that beware of possible physical violence. You are likely to submit to her crying which will come in buckets. Science has found women's tears contain a chemical upon smell or skin contact your testosterone will drop lowering your aggression and will. The waterworks work for a reason boys but can be resisted if one is strong or callous enough. Nature is a shrewd bastard make no mistake. You have no power in this relationship because you are unwilling (unable really) to walk away. Meanwhile you will beg her to stay and she will still shut you out. She will continue to abuse you until you break down/die or she finally loses amusement with you and trades up for a new victim if she is not in process of that already. Seriously man get some help and get your life healthy again and let her go.
I'm really sorry that is happening to you. Well I was once like you and stayed in a abusive relationship that only ended on bad terms. It's best to cut her free because obviously nothing will ever be good enough for her. Get out while you can maybe even take some time for yourself and figure out what you want in life and pursue it. Don't let negative people drag you down... yes it's going to hurt at first but ask yourself this "Have you done everything in your power to be the best person in the relationship?" If the answer is yes... then best to move on. Life is too short for heartache. Time will heal your heart and mind.
May 27, 16 at 2:18pm
first up I have been in the same position but the best thing to do is this. 1: Dump her 2: cry and recover 3: Find someone better suitable for you and be happy.
get out. now. i=im telling u not worth it. dat love ur talkng abt wnt be around whn ur homeless nd hungry. just leave
There can be three cases. 1. If she's just an asshole for no reason and just actually messes with you, Dump her. 2. If she's actually pretty insecure and has frequent mood swings and everytime she doesn't get what she wants it will only make it worse. See what you can do, you should probably still dump her, because only she can fix herself and nobody should ever put any effort into that but herself. 3. If you're possibly doing something wrong that upsets her, see what you can do. If she keeps staying mad at you for no reason, leave, if it's for a reason try to fix it. It's pretty much better if you just break up, for the both of you, I don't exactly know how you both are together but from what I've read she's emotionally unstable, she should fix herself first before ever getting into a relationship like that. I mean, a bit is alright, but damn. >.>
May 28, 16 at 9:27am
I'm an abusive narcissist so I can't relate. Jk. I agree you have to get out of the relationship. It doesn't sound healthy.
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woah dats bleak Ed
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