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*pulls out bucket list* "51. Try out all 30 different ways to kiss"
Mar 06, 16 at 12:07am
I like kissing. Even the messy ones but sometimes there's a limit on those. My last "boyfriend" just gave pecks. We only lasted a week....
cashish @cashish commented on Kissing
Mar 06, 16 at 9:37am
Kissing is a must, nothing wrong with a quick peck, but you have to have a deep emotional kiss. I find that most of the "girlfriends" that I've had weren't very adapt at those. Also, I've kissed a few strangers, it's no bid deal, but kissing someone you have feelings for is the "bees knees"
Haha I'm so damn shy and awkward, that it would take a lot for me to actually kiss somebody. I already get uber flustered with hugs and immediately pull away. xD
Mar 06, 16 at 12:35pm
I...love kisses, I mean I would love to have one someday. If some random hot guy started kissing me, I would not object but I would have a nosebleed for sure. I didn't have my first kiss yet... <3
http://40.media.tumblr.com/c00f068f5f70bb31b8bfab60c7c81c37/tumblr_nx17hjog7v1qiblabo2_1280.jpg http://40.media.tumblr.com/f358a74c071828b08ac2f0c1a53fba80/tumblr_nx17hjog7v1qiblabo1_500.jpg kissing ^
Some girls have beautiful full lips that I want to kiss so bad...
Mar 06, 16 at 1:10pm
@Wertingman To your original post -Kisses are awesome. I think for me the mood needs to be right and I certainly love the affection that comes with it from the right person. I don't always like to be swarmed by constant kisses though or have someone hanging off my neck constantly though right? If that makes any sense. Personal space can be invaded rapidly when I'm trying to do my own thing. -A stranger? Prob not. By that I mean oh hey cute girl, I MIGHT think 'wow I'd kiss her' I also mean if we were on a date or something. At the very most, if we hit things off as we introduce ourselves and we talk a long time I might hug goodbye and kiss on the cheek :3 ---- My first kiss, oh lord I was so awkward. It was my 2nd girlfriend. I asked someone out wayback when in highschool (my first gf) but even hugging her close was like aaaahhhh too shy help! Anyone!!! But yes. First kiss, I was dropped off at her house, and we walked down to the beach which also had a wooded trail down to a private beach. Cuddled a bit and made our way back. She turned around and pecked me on the lips and ran away. I tell you, it happened so fast I missed it because I blinked haha! She turned around again for the *real* first kiss, and despite never have experimented with drugs of any kind, that moment I was high as anything possible. Out of body experience xD Since all of my experience then till now, I've become a lot less shy. I still like to wait for a proper moment and also that feelings are met with a similar level. And like @sarcasticdesire mentioned - might end up biting hehe -- LONG STORY SHORT FOR THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE TO READ KISSES A++ / Just missed that S Rank
I have had some very bad experiences in the past but when it is with the right person it can be amazing.
Mar 07, 16 at 12:02am
I always get sparks when I kiss. I swear I have the biggest blush ever...And I love Anime kiss scenes. Always so beautiful lol http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8yxnswMgE1rc0fd6o1_r5_500.gif
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