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Name you Top 5 Anime crushes

I don't really get them, but right now I'm pretty fond of Miia from Monster Musume. She's fucking adorable. https://41.media.tumblr.com/9c2921a3122b65cb0348d23c033ff797/tumblr_nc8j7867ii1tw1ztho1_500.png
My top 5 crushes, in no particular order, are: Meryl Strife (Trigun) http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/trigun/images/6/6a/MerylStryfe.jpg Ishizu (Isis) Ishtar (Yu-Gi-Oh!) http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150122233008/yugiohenespanol/es/images/d/db/Ishizu_Ishtar_Tag_Force_Final.png Kaede Nagase (Negima!) http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs18/f/2007/222/0/2/Kaede_by_dra2k4.png Re-l Mayer (Ergo Proxy) http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/ergoproxy/images/c/c5/Re-lmayer.png Chane Laforet (Baccano!) http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/baccano/images/7/7d/29o3kv5.png Like Arc said in a previous: one sees a pattern when one puts the pictures of a person's crushes side by side. My preference is clearly assertive, dark-haired women ;)
#1 Sunohara Tomoya from Clannad http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lncfiruEiP1qgvb5ro1_500.jpg #2 Gaara from Naruto http://33.media.tumblr.com/139ea8779faa84af2ce7672a1d374ffa/tumblr_nkv9kkGTEX1rbtyq6o8_400.gif #3 Ken Kenaki from Tokyo Ghoul https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-oKsibXSyxaU/VOUWgjoTtKI/AAAAAAAAY1U/dI19OeD6OTk/w426-h240/15%2B-%2B1 #4 Levi from Attack On Titan https://media3.giphy.com/media/k9pk9AAsI9lba/200_s.gif #5 N from Death Note http://static.tumblr.com/0b7186d6f8c87a4e2cb2bc1c5b9e5153/cjkjfzi/wUXmgy8gx/tumblr_static_--gif10
Apr 27, 15 at 3:58pm
Jumping into this because yo why not. I haven't given much thought to the list, though// 1. Sora from Kingdom Hearts (not exactly an anime, but I've always had a thing for him. He's too damn cute.) 2. YOHIOloid the Vocaloid (once again, not from an anime--but his voice provider is just. Ugh. Perfect.) 3. Ayato Naoi from Angel Beats! (HE'S SO ADORABLE AND ASDFGHJKL;;; ) 4. Haseo from .hack (he's just a total badass and like. yo.) 5. Magnesium (also, not from an anime, but he's the gender bend--I think--of Calcium who IS TOTALLY BAD ASS)
My anime crush is won bin because he is really hot
1. Rin Kokonoe (Kodomo no Jikan) https://33.media.tumblr.com/ff032987f19d9112d731274fa3ddd175/tumblr_norl5bWpWQ1u9qksfo9_500.gif 2. Tomoka Minato (Ro-Kyu-Bu) http://33.media.tumblr.com/5429e4c081dc72df728c66aeccf01b9a/tumblr_nbd8iseBPH1s5f9ado1_500.gif 3. Asuha Touhara (Astarotte no Omocha) https://38.media.tumblr.com/60f06326239d20bb4223395fd7f45734/tumblr_n9g0ipcFa91r922azo1_500.gif 4. Euju Aihara (Black Bullet) https://31.media.tumblr.com/56ad06aa7db999280f6190d0d2a850b3/tumblr_nk9w9p031N1u0bcbmo1_500.gif 5. Ika Musume (Shinryaku! Ika Musume) https://38.media.tumblr.com/d91fd6043b15751bf4bcefee41fe59cf/tumblr_nlijgfbas41uqg9jeo1_500.gif
Jun 04, 15 at 2:38am
1. Yato - Noragami http://36.media.tumblr.com/cc38ec2935ce5b22a529925298e5269a/tumblr_n1qwnwrVj91to21edo1_500.jpg 2. Hyakuya Mikaela- Owari no Seraph http://images.8tracks.com/cover/i/009/091/609/tumblr_nez8c35etp1tim8feo1_1280-1558.jpg?q=98&fm=jpg&fit=max 3. Kaneki Ken - Tokyo Ghoul https://38.media.tumblr.com/1c233e999c8e7e80a4c3b193e61960ab/tumblr_n85c76pn8f1sawx0po1_500.gif 4. Joestar "JoJo" Joseph - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure http://static.zerochan.net/full/19/45/1492269.jpg 5. Watanuki Kimihiro - xxxHOLiC http://i.imgur.com/8p7kn48.jpg TqT
^ i approve of this list
My list wound be a mix of guys and girls (sorry if that's wierd to some) #1 Rei Hino from Sailor Moon #2 Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho #3 Minako Aino from Sailor Moon #4 Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho #5 Ban Midou from Getbackers
Jun 11, 15 at 7:21am
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