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Which is more important, Personality or Looks?

@tsubaki08: thanks tho u didnt mention intelligence in ur question but according to me intelligence wud come 2nd after personality... After all nobody likes a good looking no personality idiot (i know ppl like that XD)
@kazuro Actually, those are the perfect people for show business.
@key Thats right but only and only for show business
Tie! I wouldn't date someone that looks like Carly Rae Jepsen, but is super negative and unambitious. I'm not expecting to end up with a perfect 10 in looks and personality. Having a decent balance of both is fine with me.
woooooo toughie. I always do the "right thing" thing and say or think, "PERSONALITY!" but.... it's way more difficult than that. Everyone's concept of attractive is different. Their perception includes so many attributes, movement, sound, smell, and then visual aesthetics.... In that sense, personality would affect your attractiveness... IE: if your a slob, you would be messy or stinky, if you are confident, you might have a stronger stride or better posture People can't really help what they essentially look like (in the basic genetical sense, unless they have plastic surgery) I think Personally trumps.... but in the end you still have to be physically drawn/curious about them, but I do believe looks that you would find hideous in general would look amazing/or completely overlooked in someone you thought was the most amazing person in the universe. IE: Ever have that moment where you break up with someone for being horrible/doing something horrible and you look at them later and think, " ugh, with did I see in _____?!?!? Was I blind or drunk????" 80% persona/ 20% looks
Personality is more important, but youre not really attracted to a person with their personality first time you meet them ಠ_ಠ
Personality is the most important but that does not mean looks has some weight in it as well. I really don't expect a girl would like me just because of my personality only, cause I'm kind of a big guy as well.
Looks draw a person in, but personality keeps them. Personally, as long as I don't find them repulsive, personality will always win in the end. Well, assuming they can put up with my personality.
Another thing, when dealing with online people, you really get a chance to know their personality before ever seeing what they look like. This can be pretty useful as you aren't biased based on looks. Though I do use my actual picture as a profile pic, try not to drool everyone (or was that urp up?!?).
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