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Political rants

Idk know if I stated this already but Banner is making the vaccine mandatory and will be firing anyone who hasn't taken it by November. Now I don't really care much about my job there since I can pay off the rest of my ortho bill on my own, but I am concerned that I won't be able to work because other places might start enforcing this too.
Does anybody if there is any place not doing this crap? I already intend to move outta AZ anyway, it's boring and hot asf here.
Florida, texas, literally any Republican majority state. Arizona was the deciding factor for the biden administration to win and thus its only natural they enforce his policies there. Go to a Republican state and avoid this completely.
Idk why jobs are forcing people to get a vaccine or be fired. Like i get if a vaccine is crucial to a job like maybe medical field or like working around highly dangerous conditions. Where operational health must be considered. But a covid vaccine is nto necessary to function from day to day life. Nvm we went almost an entire year without it. So GG.
Jul 28, 21 at 7:10pm
@qwertyzbra Indiana has 2 pending bills to make it illegal for employers to require it. The house bill specifically target things that have not gone through the full FDA approval process (including emergency use). The senate bill would include anything against your conscience. So basically anything. Michigan has something similar. I don't follow laws in other states.
Its completely absurd this is even a thing. Imagine firing someone over a medical choice. But god help us if you say no trans-anything allowed here.
Jul 28, 21 at 7:18pm
Heh, maybe it's all an elaborate ploy to get anti-vaxxers a protected group status.
Arc @arc commented on Political rants
Jul 28, 21 at 8:07pm
Panda, I want to talk about that vid too from my point of view. I want to break it down into two separate parts. First, his question about asking her why she thought she was 1%. I agree that the 1% of men or women who are that rich are there for a reason and don't need anybody else. However, there are a lot of things I disagree with him on. First, him bringing up how women are treated in the middle east. Women are treated horribly in the middle east. They are treated like slaves and are beaten whenever they get out of line. Do we as men really want the end result of that kind of treatment? Secondly, he says that men want weak, submissive bitches. Absolutely not. If I wanted a brainless bitch I would have gone looking for one. A lot of guys I know want a woman with thoughts, not some bimbo. Speaking of, that two dollar hoe in the vid is the 1% in her own way. She aspires to be a trophy wife, who adds no more value than being a fuckin ornament on her rich sugar daddy's wall. She gets money out of the deal so I'd fully support her in what she wants. More power to her for pursuing exactly what she wants and not settling. No need for the guy to hound her for it. Thirdly, I strongly disagree that a woman needs to give up her dreams to support her man's dreams. Each of them should support their own dreams in equal measure, doing everything they can to make the other person be the best they can aspire to be. When you marry them you have to consider themselves over yourself. Both of the people talking in the vid are incredibly self centered to the point where it is loathsome.
Well imma agree to disagree @arc while i dont feel women deserve zero rights. Im all for women living their dream doing what they want and all that. Thats fine, but that contributes nothing to me. Lemme explain what i mean before i get a misogynist claim XD whether a woman is successful in life contributes nothing to the relationship in my eyes. Sure its a extra source of income which in this day and age is pretty good to have. But that doesnt make them any more attractive. That isnt a personality trait. As a guy raised in a society that promotes male self sufficiency her having a good career means nothing imo, finances nothing, because with or without any of this i can still survive because i am ALREADY independent. Lets take this up a notch though, i am now a millionaire, making all this money, living this lavish life. Now throw a woman in that scenario. What does their success contribute to my life? Or better yet why should i contribute my fortune to building them up as a person while receiving nothing in return. This is the whole point of their argument. Why would these women with nothing to contribute be guaranteed these men who have it all already? Now for the womenbin the middle east. Yes its wrong how women are treated there yet this isnt necessarily what he means. He means these women have a standard to live by. Such as monogamous relationships and a submissive personality. Im not gonna date a woman who acts like a man. Women in this society do exactly this. They wanna be dominant run shit, tell you how to live what to do and you are EXPECTED to do for them or find yourself single. Thisbis what he means not the whole women being stoned for showing skin and shit. This is what people who arent a part of the MGTOW movement dont understand. I keep saying to watch the compilations like several of them to sort of get where these guys are coming from. MGTOW moments on youtube. Look it up. Women shouldnt give up on dreams to help the guy out. But why must the guy help her with her dreams and she doesnt do the same for him. I wish you could see it from both perspectives. But you are on the same boat as veru. Thats why i want you guys to watch the comps. Just get a feel for how men in this era actually feel.
Jul 28, 21 at 8:36pm
Just sitting here wondering why nobody is crying misandry when he's clearly prejudice about what men want.
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