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20 Questions

Aug 10, 23 at 11:05pm
@kuharido scandinavia is so fucking lewd. put those countries away, slut
Aug 11, 23 at 12:20am
Q: What is your favorite color? A: green>>>>>black>>red https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExa292bnZnOXV3bXY3bmtibmtrZWE4Z3BmMmZ6dnlia2doYmdjeTBnYiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/weAqECzF7RsdRPZe6p/giphy.gif Q: Do people find you weird? A: always have, always will https://media.tenor.com/KOBUfiU7EyUAAAAC/karamatsu-osomatsu.gif Q: What music is on your playlist right now? A: right now im singing along to sweeney todd and before that little shop of horrors https://media1.giphy.com/media/EODwEim46pxt0XLMDe/giphy.gif Q: What do you think of AI art? A: its inevitable. best we can do is try and regulate what they feed their ai to try and curb art theft. theres already been lawsuits regarding these ai's being fed other peoples ips https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbmZiZzFseDJjM2pybTNsM2M4dW9zOXQ3YzhobmQ2dW1nMjY1MWY3cSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/N3pBESTMGTDcpQMjGj/giphy.gif Q: What anime/manga have you been reading/watching lately? A: keeping up with chi no wadachi, chainsawman part 2 and trying my hardest to get into vinland saga https://media3.giphy.com/media/OZnfnJ6XzxfeSSlfep/giphy.gif Q: What languages do you speak? A: EFL, but relearning some deutch on the side https://media2.giphy.com/media/cjvYDLJmspnXjDbYn5/giphy.gif Q: What's your favorite conspiracy theory? A: controversial, but actually the JQ. i find it so humorous that these people went through so much shit in their history, since the beginning of recorded history and the aftermath of this relentless persecution has only left people thinking that they somehow control the world. otherwise, MLK was assassinated, JKF was assassinated, google operation northwood, octopus, and birds arent real https://media0.giphy.com/media/lZBrs6CFgbxLhttLv7/giphy.gif Q: What classes did you like in school? A: i did shit in school but excelled in biology and english https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbGo3ZTE3Z3c3aDJtbHplbXVrZ3E0YXQ2N2tvbDFyaXVwbmQ5YzFieCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ei1CLK50KWnVacWJw6/giphy.gif Q: What is your MBTI? A: INFP https://media4.giphy.com/media/Puyy32dJWtNrKPFqTq/giphy.gif Q: What was the last book you read? A: still reading blood meridian, last book i finished was lolita https://media1.giphy.com/media/1n1jZgLItODntsdS7d/giphy.gif Q: If you were a horse, what kind of horse do you think you'd be? A: a mule https://media0.giphy.com/media/d0rst9RWBRMijxV6xx/giphy.gif Q Do any martial arts? A: no, but id be cooler if i did https://media1.giphy.com/media/TG5gXPS1YxBxg6hrZ8/giphy.gif Q: Do you have any religious beliefs? A: im catholic https://media4.giphy.com/media/57H1uZoy7LVGY8yDD3/giphy.gif Q: Are you a brave person in the face of things others would run away from? A: i have certain risk taking urges and i love crazy roller coasters and horror films, but otherwise im quite the coward https://media3.giphy.com/media/JqyUDI9SlTxUBLb972/giphy.gif Q: What is your favorite food? A: its not my favorite food per say, simply objectively the best; stuffed cabbage https://media3.giphy.com/media/VlR56eqKV0DRTSUak4/giphy.gif Q: What is your ideal first date like? A: museum hopping (i live right next to dc so its an easy task) and ending the day at a some hole in the wall https://media1.giphy.com/media/vOw8vvdDC57UEKheey/giphy.gif Q: Do you have the brain worms? A: no, they've evolved from their larval stage to brain nymphs https://media0.giphy.com/media/hwvhbWDjUPa5yoqSz2/giphy.gif Q: What sort of exercise do you like to do? A: when i bother? yoga and weights https://media2.giphy.com/media/TvMG0isOvR6q4exXCY/giphy.gif Q: Do you have a favorite comic book character? A: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ee/45/b7/ee45b739df41432ae5ba78e95b4b60b2.jpg
Arc @arc commented on 20 Questions
Aug 11, 23 at 10:47pm
Answering some more random questions : 1. Do people find you weird? Yes. Sometimes my thoughts race faster than my mouth and I goof and mispronounce a random word. Probably an after-effect of being mute for 3 years in middle school. https://i.ibb.co/x2KcJyH/cat.png 2. What do you think of current pop music from the United States? Garbage. Remix it to make it better and then we'll talk. 3. If you could visit any place in the world right now, where would you go? Japan. That's why I cleared my bank account to book 3 weeks there this year for @verucassault and my honeymoon vacation. 4. Is the water safe to drink where you live? Of course 5. What do you think of AI art? I have 2 threads where I make AI art. I love making it for fun, but I hate when people try to sell it off or plagiarize. 6. What's your favorite conspiracy theory? Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 flew into a time slip to a different time period. Interesting concept to ponder 7. Are left or right handed? right 8. Have a favorite ship? Currently it's Kenpachi x Unohana https://i.ibb.co/1fRvScD/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f.jpg 9. What do you think humans will look like in a million years? dead 10. If you could visit any planet, which one would you go to? Kepler 452b, the most habitable super-earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViL4Wepe5xY 11. What was the last book you read? Probably a compilation of classic short stories back in college. Do visual novels count? If so, the new Digimon game with a dark storyline. I find the first teen-rated digimon game to be interesting enough to check out
Aug 12, 23 at 8:58pm
Some more questions: 1. What did you want to be when you grew up? 2. Do you know what your IQ is?(Intelligence Quotient) 3. Do you know what your EQ is?(Emotional Quotient) 4. What is your cultural heritage? 5. Do you feel it's easy to connect with others? 6. Are you more tolerant of heat or cold? 7. Do you like to clean? 8. If you could travel through time, what time would you travel to? 9. Do you like the way you look? 10. What's the funniest insult someone has ever given you?
Aug 12, 23 at 10:08pm
1. A Marine Biologist. After becoming a jojo fan, that dream included leaving my future wife and kids over it. I'll also hang out with some goofy teenagers in Japan while my son/daughter has a troubled life. https://media.tenor.com/Q3mn4qDEuroAAAAC/jotaro-kujo-jojo.gif 2 and 3. Nope. However, I do know that I am fabulous. That's what counts! https://media.tenor.com/Kxcl4mgJdLgAAAAC/joseph-joestar-smiling.gif 4. Coulda just asked where I was born, dum-dum. France! My homeland, my pride, and my soul forever! Prières pour mon peuple... au fait. https://media.tenor.com/WuSyr9FVzucAAAAC/france-euro2016.gif 5. Actually, yes. I can get along with pretty much anyone, if they give me that chance that is. I know some would never. Still, I like to call myself a lone wolf at the end of the day. Perhaps to better enjoy freedom while it lasts? https://media.tenor.com/FetDkJC1zfAAAAAC/take-the-long-way-motorcycling.gif 6. Cold. Have someone put snow down the back of your shirt. Very efficient way to build cold tolerance considering it feels like your soul is leaving your body. 7. Honestly, wouldn't make a difference whether I enjoyed cleaning itself. I clean because I can't stand living in a dirty house. The very thought pains me to no end.... https://media.tenor.com/YekN9kpoWnAAAAAd/it-had-to-be-perfect-syrmor.gif 8. I would go back a few decades or so before from when I was born, to the US. For these days are not the end of the world. Only the end of an era. The era of color. The few things that stand to remind us of the colorful, and extravagant lives we once led are crumbling slowly. 9. I know I may not be the best looking, but that's perfectly fine with me. I do look pretty good though. I'm no good at photography, so all my pictures come out a mess. I ask myself if there's something I could be doing that I'm missing, or accept that I actually need another person. Ugh. All in all, I say I'm decently handsome. Nowhere close to this guy though. phew! https://media.tenor.com/OYPh9OQ6R-wAAAAC/handsome-jack.gif 10. I should really learn to play around with people who start arguments with me instead of decimating them right from the bat. I would have some cooler things, to put here, but really all I've got is "Tootsie Pop", "Ramen Noodles", and "Hitler's right nut". Also, "Mr. uses too many commas".
Aug 13, 23 at 12:07am
PART FOUR 1. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor. Now I'm just going with the flow of life. 2 and 3. Nope 4. Persian. The best https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735517722623868999/1140147232742588527/image0.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735517722623868999/1140147963444863008/image0.jpg 5. No I don't find it easy at all XD 6. More tolerant of heat 7. I clean because I have to not because I like to. But then seeing everything clean makes me happy 8. I'd go back 20 years and make sure my mom doesn't marry my dad XD. 9. I wish I wasn't skinny. 10. Someone called me a camel piss drinking goat fucker. I wasn't even mad. I was impressed by that insult XD
1. I wanted to be a ballerina but later changed to wanting to be a Missionary and beautician 2 and 3 are a no 4. I don't know much of that either? Weren't around both sides of our family much to see or hear stories of ancestors/know where they really came from but from certain things I've heard African, British and Native American (?) 5. Yes. But it also depends on how they act, I can and will be patient with you but if you aren't willing to try and connect also there's not much I can do 6. Heat 7. Not really. Because when I start I never stop until my hands are red and sore (especially depending on the mess) 8. To see king David fight? Maybe to witness Jesus being Jesus? Or maybe to when my twin was born so I could hold her pudgy baby self myself XD 9. I don't know? I feel I sometimes start to think I do but then I feel terrible for thinking that and hate myself again lol, but I know whether I look good or not it's truly the heart that matters 10. Hm? I don't remember the words of bumbling fools well XD. But seriously I kind of forgive and move on/forget how they insulted me
1. Are you a morning person or a night person?(Someone who stays up late or wakes up early) I would like to be a morning person. When I was younger I would wake up fairly early every morning to make it on a bus. Now that I am older, my current occupation keeps my sleep schedule constantly changing. So I change from early bird to night owl regularly. 2. Do you have any pets? I currently do not have any pets in my life, I did when I was younger though. I had a chinchilla. 3. What is your Zodiac? (Chinese, but you can use the other one if you want) My Chinese Zodiac is the Rooster. 4. What's your favorite holiday? I generally do not like holidays actually. They have a lot of bad memories for me. Perhaps if I were to have a decent experience with one, I might be so inclined to actually pick a favorite holiday. 5. What is your favorite kind of cake? I am not much of a pastries eater, so I do not have a favorite kind of cake. Though if I were to cheat, I did like Carvel ice cream cakes as a child. 6. Who is the favorite person(s) in your family?(found family/friends count) I do not really have many pleasant memories with family, and the one's I did are now deceased. Even still I do not think I could pick favorite family members regardless. 7. Do you often feel misunderstood? Yes, very much so. I have been told my way of thinking can be very different or that I am just too strange to interact with. 8. Are you good at living in the moment? I am someone that likes to plan things in advance but sadly my life currently has forced me to adapt to live in the moment when needed. I just do what is necessary, that is how I see it. 9. Are you more emotional or logical? I am more logical oriented but I can be empathetic to others and I can be emotionally charged. However I never let it get in the way of my thinking. My emotional side tends to come out when consuming media, causing me to have bizarre reactions to what I am watching/reading when alone. 10. What was your favorite show/book as a child? I am not sure in all honesty. I suppose I was more focused on cartoons and child oriented Japanese shows that were live action. I did watch a fair amount of Kaiju films too. It was my introduction to seek things in their intended original language instead of settling for localizations. 11. Have you ever gone hunting/fishing? I have gone fishing. I used to fish a lot when younger, but one day I realized I didn't enjoy hurting the fish. To hook them in the mouth to only throw them back. I did not enjoy that, after that moment I stopped fishing all together. 12. Would you prefer swimming in ocean, river, or lake? I have always liked the water. It's calming to me. Rain as well. I don't mind swimming in any of these but in all honesty I would probably choose wherever isn't crowded. 13. Do you like tea or coffee more? I prefer tea, specifically decaffeinated tea. I do not do well with caffeine. Never tried coffee for that reason. 14. Do you have a favorite historical figure? I was a history major in my university days. I specialized in studying antiquity of western civilization. So if I were to choose a figure it would be Alexander the Great or Socrates. Though I wish I could have also studied antiquity of Eastern Civilization more. 15. What timezone do you live in? I am currently in EST/EDT. 16. Do you have any mental illnesses? If you don't want to answer that, what do you do when you feel sad/depressed? Yes, I do. I have one/some I was diagnosed with as a young child. I shall leave it at that. If I am not in the best of moods, I tend to do things that I enjoy more to help me feel catharsis. 17. What color is your hair? It is a fairly dark brown. 18. What color are your eyes? They are an unappealing greyish colour. 19. Do you have an anime husbando/waifu/etc? I do not actually. I will always like certain characters I encounter in Japanese media, but I don't have feelings for them. My feelings are reserved for individuals I become close with and desire closeness for. 20. Do you have a favorite genre of music? I would say anything synthetic sounding. It helps me calm down. I have always enjoyed various sounds that are in that vein. Even the sounds of fans or hums of certain electronics.
1. What did you want to be when you grew up? Initially a paleontologist, since I liked kaiju films I wanted to find dinosaurs or other similarly structured creatures. 2. Do you know what your IQ is?(Intelligence Quotient) I do and I do not feel comfortable giving out that number. Personally I think it is very nonsensical as this number is the result of a test built on certain preconceived notions and biases. Not to mention you can study for it and retake it as many times as you want. It is pointless to me and proves nothing. 3. Do you know what your EQ is?(Emotional Quotient) I do not, but my stance wouldn't be any different from how I feel about IQ tests. 4. What is your cultural heritage? I rather not say publicly for fear of unwanted attention/judgement from others. 5. Do you feel it's easy to connect with others? No, it is difficult to fully connect with others. I want to have real valid connection with people. Such things take time so it cannot be easy at all. 6. Are you more tolerant of heat or cold? Definitely the heat. I do not retain my body heat very well so I freeze in cold weather and can never feel warm enough. 7. Do you like to clean? I like being clean and having somewhat of a clean environment. I do not want to be surrounded by literal filth and garbage. 8. If you could travel through time, what time would you travel to? I am not sure. No matter what I would pick there will never be a good answer to this. If I did travel though, I would go to a time period where I feel I would match life there and have a nice simplicity that I feel I am lacking today. Probably would go somewhere in the 20th century realistically. 9. Do you like the way you look? I do not care about appearances all to much. Sure there are certain things that might be appealing to my eyes, but at the end of the day. Our appearances fade with time. So why fuss over it? I do what is more comfortable for me. I keep my hair the way it is out of comfort not appearance sake for example. As long as I am healthy and comfortable it doesn't matter how I look. 10. What's the funniest insult someone has ever given you? I have been called many things over the years. Derogatory things even. But to pick an insult I was told by someone that I found humorous? I cannot recall any I'm afraid. Sorry.
Aug 13, 23 at 5:38pm
1. What did you want to be when you grew up? I didn't expect to live very long, but I wanted to be an archeologist so I could figure out where the fae were hiding all this time. 2. Do you know what your IQ is?(Intelligence Quotient) Wouldn't be surprised if it was a single digit number. I am find with logic but I am horrible with maths. I can barely count. I can however recall most of Planck's equation, and explain the finite details of emergency medicine.(just the first aid, though) I find people obsessed with IQ hilarious. 3. Do you know what your EQ is?(Emotional Quotient) I don't know what it is, but being a camp counsellor and a volunteer at a suicide prevention center, I'd like to think I know a few things. 4. What is your cultural heritage? I was born in Ireland, raised by my 1/2 Japanese nan, but moved to America when I was small. My mother tried to kill off both of my cultural roots so I could 'assimilate'. I'm glad my nan disagreed. I have strong cultural ties to both Japan and Ireland. I did have a phase of suppressing who I was, but I realized that made life more of a nightmare than it was worth. 5. Do you feel it's easy to connect with others? I am always the connector, but never the connected. I understand people on a fundamental level and am adept at making even the toughest of clam shells open up a little. Not as some sort of conquest, or forcing them to, but to make them feel not alone. To let them know someone notices them and appreciates their existence. 6. Are you more tolerant of heat or cold? It used to be both. I worked in fields during the summers since I was 12, and walked many kilometers in freezing temperatures. Now with a nerve disease, I have oversensitivity to both. The heat can trigger heat stroke too easily and the cold makes me feel like my bones are splintering. 7. Do you like to clean? I love to clean. Watching something go from dirty to sparkly is such a nice feeling. It's a great way to work through problems, though it can lead to catatonic episodes if I don't sleep enough... 8. If you could travel through time, what time would you travel to? To before the time when the Library of Alexandria was burned. The first time. I honestly wish I could ban the burning of books at all. I wonder how far humanity would be if they were kept? 9. Do you like the way you look? Not really. But I am not very concerned with it either. There's not much I can do about being red hair, green eye, monolid-looking potato. So I don't feel a need to fuss about it. 10. What's the funniest insult someone has ever given you? Not to me, but to my oldest sister, "You're such a paper-skinned weaboomer."
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