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That is quite a barrier and i see why people would argue against it. I did even say so myself it would be super hard. Its mainly a theory. Thank you for at least taking the time to look and see both sides of it rather than one.
Conflating LGBT with pedophilia isn't a new problem. That was one of the common scare tactics back then because it's easy to make someone seem evil by telling people they harm children.
Lol literally said like 4 times it has nothing to do with LGBT
Apr 16, 19 at 6:36am
You're not entirely wrong, it's called The Slippery Slope. And there are some, unfortunately in the LGBT that do support more pedophilic tendencies. ( https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/11-year-old-drag-kid-dances-in-popular-nyc-gay-club-as-patrons-toss-money-a) There's a saying, "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society. Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.", Look what happened to the holy empire of Rome for an easy example. Or the new phrase of them calling themselves "MAPs" or "Minor Attracted Persons", to try to give themselves better publicity. Pedophilia is becoming a larger issue, as more of them are coming to light, and even trying to make it seem normal, and with our hyper tolerant society, we've begun to cross over lines that shouldn't be. While I'm not really a supporter of the LGBT movement(Most due to the politics, I don't care who you want to sleep with.), most LGBT community members would stand against Pedophilia, and Bestiality(Where the normalizing of it is coming through mostly the community of Furries.). However, due to the past stigma, many of them aren't aswell. While the LGBT is not at fault for this(Well mostly), they are very likely the cause, as many groups like to latch onto successful movements to make their own. Which is obviously, what the attempts are, that are happening recently. It opened the door so to speak, for more insidious groups to try to make their entrance in other words, even if they aren't. That said, I wouldn't worry about it becoming legal bro. We'd have a civil war before that ever came to fruition. Well Pedophilia anyways. Not so sure on bestiality. You can worry more about that.
@leo i couldnt have said it better myself like honestly as i have said the entire thread even in my first post which i did not edit in anyway. It isnt so much the LGBT community's fault. They fight for a separate movement. My thing is some people will use that movement to catapult absurd standpoints into the light. "If the LGBT can marry whoever they please, why cant i marry my dog?" Its already possible to marry inanimate objects who is to say this isnt a possibility as said by the ghost who walks and burning halo its a matter of perspective and how others view it. Right now there are a ton of people who find that idea disgusting. But this was also the norm back in the day for homosexuality and transgenders. They saw that as disgusting but as more and more people came out, and times changed it became accepted. Our generation views that as bad but look at things now anyone from politician to rapper and normal people are being arrested for ownimg child pornography and other stuff. Even loli hentai exists and people are able to get away with that. Even borderline porn like "barely legal teens" and irl loli. People are avoiding these things and yet they call me ignorant. Im neither for nor against the idea that this will eventually become a problem. Im just saying It can start with age allowed for marriage and from that spiral into a new issue. Just as how gay marriage only started out in a few states age for marriage will follow suit.
But this idea is a very dodgey subject. There are alot of facts and opinions put into this. I mainly wanted to throw this up for discussion. I just have a way with making my words sound like im attacking something which im not.
thats stretching it dude
Apr 16, 19 at 7:37am
Well the issue is it's an overall reasonable position(To want to be able to live how you like, well that part of their message anyways.) when it comes with the LGBT. The problem is, no one wants to look at the negative implications, their overall positive message can lead to. Which is just a description of again, the slippery slope. Which was before mocked and joked on by most(Even by myself), and yet here we are today. Where an 11 year old is getting money thrown at him, on top of a stage with revealing clothing. This isn't a description of the middle east either, but America. It becomes harder to ignore at that point. It's not even a debate on whether it is, or isn't a problem. It's an issue already now. One that quite a few people are outright ignoring due to either not wanting to admit their opposition was correct in some areas, or fear of being called a bigot. One can only hope that the slope will end sooner rather than later.
@leo lol its the mob mentality. when a person goes against a certain belief or idea, you will immediately get shut out. I noticed alot of the people who commented here didnt like any of my comments and was more stand off-ish rather than open minded and able to talk it out and address facts and actual evidence. 3 members i would like to note actually presented adequate and engaging dialog were burning halo, the ghost who walks and yaashat. Everyone else just attacked and claimed ignorance. Even though i never really blamed anyone for anything. When you bring out a controversial topic such as this people are quick to jump at stuff without taking time to read. I literally said like 5-6 times i didnt blame the LGBT and yet they kept saying i was blamimg them. I was using them merely as a model of what could happen. Edit: no hate to the other guys tho, its nice to see what's on everyone's mind. This was a good social experiment.
Apr 16, 19 at 11:04am
Wait, so... LGBT culture despises rape culture. Pedophilia is considered by them to be part of rape culture. -Gay love doesn't inherently hurt anyone. -------------------------------------------------------- -Pedophilia leaves a lot of children with psychological and physical scars that last well into adulthood. Even "Consensual" acts if the child is too young. -Bestiality literally sends a lot of people to the hospital with embarrassing stories. I don't know of anyone who thinks that's okay. What do you know, a clear line does exist! I wouldn't worry about it, personally. Speaking as an ace who has kinda a foot in the LGBT community, we're actually the first line of defense against it. You guys are the second. The government legislative branch is the third. Also, the historical acceptance of marrying young was done more for a practical reason in the high middle ages. There aren't as many variables in a child's mortality rates these days, and even then, it was considered improper to bed with her until she grew up enough to be able to survive baring a child. Women were vital to survival. Especially after things like the black death. You didn't want to risk loosing them and the heir they would produce through a miscarriage because you decided on boinking them too soon. So there's not really practical reason to marry young anymore. And an ever stacking list of reasons why pedophilia does harm on the physical and psychological levels. Its not something I see going away anytime soon, but it is certainly something I don't see people normalizing. Least of all in the LGBT community.
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