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What is the most romantic thing you have done for someone/lover?

@deathbylolis Even cute acts! Whether it is calling at midnight on their birthday to greet them. I've done this for a few and set my friends bdays on my phone ^^
There was a friend of mine that i really liked because she was a big fan of metal gear solid, but she absolutely fucking hated final fantasy so i walked up to her and gave her the cd case for FF7 and she looked at me with utter disgust, but then i told her to open it and inside she found a cd for the original metal gear with a peice of paper on it saying "let's just date already" our relationship wasn't the best and it didn't last very long but i still think that i could never top a conffession like that, probably the cheesiest thing i ever did
@mememan69 That's SO CUTE. AMAZING IDEA. You showed her and that note, oozes cheese. Stay still, my beating heart! (but not really, since I'd die...) xD Of course you can top it. ;) I believe in you :3
Everything from random moonlit picnics, flowers, lots of flowers, poems, breakfast damn near every morning....Small stuff. Yet, I proposed to my wife while we were eating dinner in our apartment and she had a pickle in her mouth.XD Romance, gentlemen. Romance.;)
@yaasshat If you have that shit on lockdown as a daily then that's the best kind of proposal <3 What a lucky gal she must be!!! ^^
too much information jk
Say what? You young people and your jibber jabber....
Just saying if sweet acts are a common thing for you then that is great ^^ It's nice to do something nice and be appreciated for it. =) More info, the better for me~
i just thought that sounded funny
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