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Take the user above you on a date

lets go to the tree by the river and fight it out!! https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/955/826/f21.gif
I'll take you to dinner, but you'll be the dinner. https://cutewallpaper.org/25/anime-black-girl-wallpaper-pyscho-girl/323920705.jpg
You vs- I mean + Me = Dinner at my place with romantic candle lights https://media.tenor.com/4uWn1H6AP-wAAAAC/deadmanwonderland-shiro.gif
Yare yare daze. Let's make this quick. Where do you want to go?
Let’s go get some pizza! ^-^
Already took you out for pizza. We're staying home, and you're doing homework today
I'll take Curly out for BBQ. He can pay the bill of course because he owns the place. Later we'd go for a long walk at a park. Then when the mood is just right with his back turned I'll approach from behind. Reaching out with a steady hand to brush aside the long locks of his blonde hair covering his ear I'll lean in close so my warm, moist breath can be flet and whisper seductively... https://media.tenor.com/izSCgjNwpkAAAAAd/muda-muda-muda-giorno.gif All Night Long. Then when I've had my fun I'd dump his sorry broke ass in the trash where it belongs and find me a real relationship who ain't this free! Cause I'm a True Gang-Star! https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/254/672/274.jpg
@gabriel_true I think I’ll take you to an anime convention. You can dress as Black Butler’s Undertaker and I can be Hannah or you can dress as one of the cute cat boys you like and I can find someone else to cosplay as. (Maybe Anya? I’ve been eating too many peanuts lately lol). Then after the convention we’ll go buy some cool anime figurines from a store and I’ll take you out to whatever restaurant of your choice. After dinner we’ll go for a walk on the beach and feel the sand between our toes and then we can go for dessert after our food has settled enough https://media.tenor.com/pTKnWhT6FmMAAAAd/anime-feed.gif
An abortion clinic would be the perfect date for you. Then ice cream after that. https://i.ani.me/0345/2618/pathetic.jpg
That’s a nice joke! lol I’ll take you to an underground fighting ring and see how you hold off against others, then afterwards we’ll go for some dinner and dessert of your choice because I’m indecisive lol
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