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Hey chicos...What things do you hate about girls?

It looks like Hyera is in agreement. Cliques can be damaging, yes. If they could only devise a system where future kids are spared the bullying that many kids received during High School. Funnily enough the bullying really only starts in the teenage years. Up to then it's relatively peaceful or that's my experience at least.
@sadjester I agree. I was never bullied in elementary school... actually girls fought over me in elementary because they said I was cute... though maybe that's not such a good thing either, but it wasn't intentionally mean to me. Middle school where all the bullying started on me. Then it was reduced to just one guy sexually harassing me in highschool, then eventually transferred to a therapeutic day school where everyone was kind to me, then in a regular community college everyone from middle/highschool had suddenly become mature adults and I didn't see anyone bullying anyone. The worst I saw was just regular social drama/cattiness in the anime club. XD
^^ It can get pretty rowdy in there :p + I agree with Kohagura about just the clique thing, but boys have that, too. I think if we changed this question to "what do you hate about immature girls" I'd have more input.
when girls complicate things, when things can be simple.
But it is so much more fun to spring traps soraph heheh. The only things that bother me about women are mostly the attitudes they are raised to have. Most problems are gender agnostic. I am no traditionalist by any measure, maybe a little old fashioned in some things, but it is not out of sexism it's nature and logic. Men and women are kind of slaves to their biological imperatives in ways we do not always perceive consciously. Discipline and reason can override it most of the time if the individual is of sound mind and properly educated(in life). Boys and Girls get a half-pass because they are not yet mature and still learning. Fewer have positive role models to follow now days which does not help them much. Men and women are built by nature to compliment one another to draw them together to reproduce and help each other and the species as a whole to survive. Ok girls.... I am going to hell to open a lemonade stand for this bit. Kohagura is very correct about girls being harsh bullies; often the cruelest as per science. There is a reason for the phrase "Hell has no fury like a woman scorned." Most of their brain activity starts or ends in an emotional center or a comparison center opposite of men. When they want to hurt you they can readily calculate the most emotional damage first and are social creatures that often know how to push the right buttons almost by instinct(pheromones help too). Women often compete against each other for the best guys to get the most desired traits in their mind. They often want strong confident men that will have better chances to succeed in life to provide security as long as they are not harmful. This is why many go for the extrovert bad boys over the timid nice guys; they make shit happen instead of hoping it does. They want to tame a tiger as a trophy the way a man subconsciously wants a model to bang 24/7. It is in our natures to find the ideal mate and satisfy biological imperatives. Certain modern ideologies (another F word) have encouraged some women into excessive promiscuity(disguised as empowerment) or Misandry (emasculation disguised as social justice) and can trade-up as often as they can for revenge pay-back of self-perceived transgressions. Some are told wait until they are successful and find a nice(submissive) man who is ironically not fulfilling(settling) to start a family. Now they lament about where have the real men gone as their biological clocks are about to grind to a halt or are without a husband to help raise their children. They are actually programmed by nature to insure their own safety and the safety of their children at all costs(instinct over reason). These faculties in men and women have become corrupted and the declining birth rates, health issues, and eroding society cohesion shows it well. Herbivore males of Japan and the west's MGTOWs are simple examples of a direct reaction to the state of affairs. Girls who play victims or exploit chivalry while they accuse others of sexism are lame. Girls who practice double standards like hating slut shaming but insisting on still doing it to men are hypocrites. Girls who manipulate and ruin peoples lives(sometimes permanently) with lies to fulfill their own agenda or to cover a mistake(guilt) deserve no quarter. Girls who want to force others to change without facing their own demons are epic failures. Girls who demand equal benefits without equal risk and responsibility can go back in the line labeled clues. I look forward to the hate mail cheers.
Can't say I really hate things about girls, but I do tend to dislike when girls in my past have tried to "toy" with my interest, like when you text her and she deliberately doesn't text back in order to make you worried. That's the point where I usually get rid -_-"
Thank you everyone, for give a good response to this question.
Basically, woman decide if you can start a dialogue, go on a date, have sex and recognize the status of your relationship. ..yet the man is supposed to take all the risks starting a conversation, asking for a date, making the first moves and seeing if she feels like we have a relationship. I hear gals complaining about wanting an assertive man but at the same time giving none of the control to the guys. Not the greatest way for people to achieve equal partners and lovers for life.
I feel like a lot of this thread, and the one involving what girls hate about guys, isn't so much as what we hate about the other gender so much as what we hate about the societal dominate image of hyper-masculinity mainly, but probably with a bit of hyper-femininity in there, where there's strict adherence to the extremes of stereotypical gender roles.
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