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Do you believe in God/s?

I could go into detail as to why I don't believe in God, but it'll be one long ass wall of text and it's late where I'm at so when I have more energy and time, I may return with my reasonings based off of my findings and research.
And I just don't want to offend anyone with mine...
Was raised Baptist before becoming a scientist and disciple of the metal kings. http://youtu.be/qRqCG53mZkw
I don't but more of the sense as in I don't know, I don't really mind other believing in it as long it is not radical and they don't shove it in people throat. Still this is not mean as an insult but I have a hard time believing how people in 2015 still think god is a fact because an old book says so? With that thinking why do people don't belief in harry potter ? Even the first original bible says the world was flat so god did not know his own creation was round... meh I'm going to deep in this, as long it stays within the person I don't mind.
If no god, then no jesus :'[
Mar 16, 15 at 11:29am
That's right Hyera. Good girl!
neet-one "Sure I believe in Haruhi, and even in Yurie Hitotsubashi." Best answer ever! XD My view on the subject? I don't really give a damn, I'm not going to waste my time considering the existence of something that doesn't give me strength, will-power or determination. I've seen both ends, and either side has nothing, only you can follow your own path. But that's my view for myself, anyone else can believe or not believe as much as they want, if it gives them reason to live, that's good for them, just don't try to force it onto others, because it might just do more harm than your intent for good. In my home world, we have two gods; Akai Tsuki, the moon goddess, and Tamashiikiipaa, the keeper of souls. We just hold a yearly event in celebration of both of them, but really it's just an excuse to sell themed items. In most times that they are mentioned outside our festival, is either by legends, rumors or folklore, no one truly knows much about their existence *Shrugs*.
Atheist/Borderline Christian, If you can get me to believe then I'll revert back. But most likely not happening XD.
Mar 16, 15 at 5:05pm
Atheist, although I suppose specifically I'm an apatheist. I just couldn't care less about religious stuff. Even if a deity or deities were to exist, they'd have such little impact on my life as to be nonexistent. Needless to say, I grew up in a family of people who prioritize religion very very low
Mar 16, 15 at 7:44pm
I belive but dont really care about it. Mostly caues people have fights/arguments over it. Would not be shocked if some argument where to take place here over it.
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