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So many "Why no Otaku Girl" Post

Or, here is a crazy thought... How bout if y'all want to find a girlfriend, you broaden your horizons a little bit, you find other intrests to talk about besides anime/video games, and not be so picky with your "datable" criteria. Not all girls who are Otaku, like you want, are going to be the young looking, super thin and bubbly personality as these anime make Otaku girls out to be, and let's be honest... most of you claiming you can't find somebody, this is the reasoning. Be interesting but not creepy, be able to hold conversations about many different topics, and lower your expectations on what an "otaku girl" should be and it won't be hard To find somebody.
There are no otaku girls= No girl fits my 521 must have qualities http://m.quickmeme.com/img/3f/3f8987e1bb0fe5709f6398c09cbbe7d148640aae89d53a63e85ee4e4e76b29ff.jpg
Feb 13, 15 at 4:01pm
To be honest from talking to some of the people on here that have left it seems when a Girl joins or post they get bombarded with messages from men some polite and some nice and some are just outright obscene and this mass of attention and mass spam posting there profiles and inboxes is what made them stop coming on here Ash being one of the main people that drove them away in a lot of cases
That's a given for any woman who joins a dating site.
I agree with Jikoshy about how women are bombarded on dating sites. But somehow, I don't see this as much of a dating site because the matching system on here is just based on location and the anime you have listen that are the same to each users. I also agree with Jiskoshy and usagimodoki on how "otaku guys" seek "otaku girls. Yes, I am taken but when I came on here, I was looking (and found someone in the process). But while looking, there were a lot of, shall I say "requirements." Like some guys that came on here that I met was looking for someone who was Japanese. (and if you are, may I redirect you to http://friends.jlist.com/welcome/). Another common thing was being fit or thin. Now, I understand having a preference, but if you have no results with your preferences, I suggest modifying them and try that out. You never know who you may meet.
Definitely agree with Jikoshy and everyone else! It's understandable to have a preference but sometimes it's just unrealistic. I feel like that's a big part of why guys are so dissapointed; they don't find what they are looking for because it simply doesn't exist.
I knew many girls who liked anime but were not otaku by definition. They enjoyed anime and gaming but it was not the main hobby/lifestyle they identified themselves by to others in society. I have met people I never would have expected to watch anime that do. Focus more on the character qualities of your ideal partner instead of fixating on one aspect. You can not build a healthy relationship based around one thing be it anime or sex or whatever it may be. Otherwise you will learn why Buddhist texts say desire is a path of pain.
Be principle-centered, not relationship-centered!
Agree with Jikoshy and add that includes any social site.
Love is complex regardless if Anime lover or not, its one ride that is rough.
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