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This account has been suspended.
Jun 14, 20 at 2:37pm
This account has been suspended.
It was about you Lord idk what fuckery is that
Donnie was fun I still remember when he told me I was a tsun tsun with no dere lmao
mariahaise @mariahaise Lmaoooo this name got changed due to some game I participated into, I think I can change it back in a few more days lmao
Jul 05, 20 at 6:14pm
appreciation post cause im in my feels and even tho i bulli you alll, ily guyss @hell_hound7 not just one of my favourite people on here but like one of my favourite people in this worlddd <33333. its crazy how we talk so much even tho my life is so boring xD like how have we not ran out of things to talk about???? sometimes our conversations are just so random and funny and its like - how did we even get here xD @rafaelsanzio BROOOOO WHEN ARE WE GONNA MOVE TO JAPAN <333333 you worrying about me when im sad is the cutestttt xDD and thank you for staying by my side and putting up with me (irl and in minecraft, sorry i exploded you.. xDDDD) @sparkis wholesome beannn >.< lol whenever you post cute hugs on my wall it makes me so happy that you didnt forget about meee xDD and its so cute how you message me the first second i come on heree uwu makes me feel special. also never forget about floofy sheep.. o.o @solid_snake95 i love how you can easily understand me and my problems and understand why the small things bother me so much, like you wont think im annoying and childish for caring so much about things that seem so small to others. also seeing you work out and trying to improve yourself motivates me to become a better person and be more productivee (i say this whilst ive literally done nothing all day.. xDD) @marcus_k our rare conversations are so freakin hilarious xDDDDDDD like ten minutes after theyve finished im still thinking about it and laughing to myself loll @redhawk sonso :3 putito :33333 lol but seriously, thank you for trying to comfort me when im sad and crying lmaoo. wait i mean.. i never cried... o.o @wanderingtrickster even tho you gae, ily bro. (also still cant believe you beat me in smash using one hand.. let me win at least one gameee >.<) its nice to have found some real friends on here ~
Idc you blew up my whole armor
Jul 05, 20 at 6:21pm
i only died cause you hit me and i fell on the trappp >.< so basically it was cause of youuu xD
You literally jumped over me
@megann thank you sooo much! This made my day!
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