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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

Xypho, if you mean on here... she asked me what your problem was, I said you follow me around the forums. That's all. She's not even my friend. She only added me recently. As for my real life friends. They are the ones who sent me the screen shots before I even told them shit about you since you asked them about me and my boyfriend. So stop crying to me about the problems you've created. And I completely agree with xueli.
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Um Excuse me, If I may be so bold....I don't know what happened between you. From the sound if things it seems like either a relationship that went bad or a one time fling. But if you wouldn't clutter the place up with your squabbling that would be great. I rather this not devolve into a flame war.
You know, Masakan, as much as I understand that it might be annoying, (I find it to be annoying aswell) you don't know what kind of person he is. No relationships or "flings", which you would've known if you actually read the answers to your question. I've been ignoring him on the forums for weeks yet he always keeps @-ing me. I'm sick of always just letting his nosy comments slide.
Trust me I get it, I find it hard to ignore things that are completely untrue myself, specially when it feels like someone is harassing me directly. I just kinda wish you 2 would take this into PM's or something. Really it sounds to me like you have 2 choices here, You can try to resolve this much to the respect of your fellow forum goers. Or you can continue down this path and make yourself look as bad as your claiming he is. I know it sucks, but sometimes if you want to end a conflict, you have to be the mature one.
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Masakan, he stalked me in real life, spams me on facebook, my friends on facebook about my schedule and boyfriend and (of course coincidently) appears in every city I happen to be in. And then still has the nerves to say he just wants to help me. Even my friends tried to talk me into going to the police because of the messages he sent them. The last thing I'd do is add him on here or anywhere. I don't want to talk to him at all. That's the point. But yeah, talking about it doesn't help. I'm gonna drop it. I'll go back to ignoring him.. I just don't want people to think that any of the lies he spreads about me are true.
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