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Looking for love

Lol true but you guys were tryna say i was exaggerating
nah nah nah i was trying to say that its not always about looks personality does count too...maybe not for some but it does
Aug 12, 15 at 9:40pm
Honestly, Hanzo....man, I think girls are attracted to confidence more than anything. You whine about how girls are shallow and stuff and I think it comes from you just not having very high self-esteem. You probably think "man I wish I could look like that guy and get all the girls he does", but like that guy is a few extra trips to McDonald's and a punch in the face away from looking like any other bum on Earth. I've seen you say that you can't help the way you look, but I mean is that really true? I think if you work on your self image a bit, really think about all the stuff that you are awesome at and then maybe work out a little bit, you could find a potential partner just like anyone else could. Now, I'm not a psychiatrist or therapist or anything, but I, like many others, have been in that situation. I think I'm the fucking best and that I can do anything, but a little over a year ago I was thinking I didn't deserve to live and tried to kill myself. What has really changed since then and now? Not much. Mostly just the way I think about things. Now I really enjoy myself and my life even though I'm still in the same city, making the same money, and still single. It's all about your attitude towards life. Attitude and mindset determines everything. You're 21 years old, you still have a lot of time to figure out what you want from life and to find someone who wants to share it with. You just gotta rewire your brain a little bit. If you have the money for a therapist, go to one, it's great. That's one of the best ways to really get your head straight. If not, well you can still do it with google! Also, sidenote: Just know that really getting to know someone and getting a decent gauge on their personality takes hundreds of conversation hours, and even after that you'll probably still not know everything about them. That's why I think it's silly that you say no one cares about personality. Personality definitely has it's part in a successful relationship, but it's not something you can figure out after just sharing a few messages with someone. I've been on the site for almost a year and some people still can't tell when I'm joking or not. I love comedy and love to make a lot of jokes, but that doesn't mean I can't be serious, and it doesn't mean I can't slip a joke into a serious conversation and still keep it serious afterward. Some people will never figure me out and a lot more probably don't care to, and that's fine. No one is going to mesh well with everyone. You're still a really new member, make some friends with people. A romance can always blossom from a friendship, and making connections with people can help introduce you to other new people. Or you can just keep creeping on people for bikini pics and staying sad forever. I don't fucking care anymore lmao.
I agree to some extent on what Donnie is trying to say here... Just be the man you want to be. In my experience, communication is important, humor, sincerity and deepness. The strengths in these things when talking to someone is what keeps me there. I usually give up or lose interest when I feel like I am being deceived or manipulated. I also avoid people who just want attention. I think that if you want something great that it will take time and experience. Also people in the world are not limited to this site: this is a small sampling, so use it as a booster if anything.
hehehehehe obasan you dont avoid me tho XD
YES I DO, however you can only avoid " family" for so long !!!!
Aug 12, 15 at 11:20pm
Anyone coming here thinking it's a hookup site will be sorely disappointed. Some relationships have started here, but for the most part many here are looking for friends first, if anything beyond that.
It should always be friends first to some degree. Or rather acquaintances first and decide friend or potential love interest.... and pursue!
For me I just stopped looking that person will come in my life sooner or later
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