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It's not hard. It's not going to fall into your lap one day and be like "SURPRIZE!", You have to work, just like with everything else. Now get your ass up and do something! Talk to girls, fuck.. you're ON A WEBSITE for it.. talk to girls on the forum. Get to know people. Stop bitching and DO SOMETHING.
Pretty much what Jikoshy posted. Having been with a lot of otaku girlfriends, it's pretty simple. Never make it your goal, you can't think straight like that. Instead find local events and locations that promote otaku related things. Then get into social circles that share your otaku interests. And before you know it you'll be flirting with your potential girlfriend.
Jan 25, 15 at 7:22am
Well some girls don't out right show their love for anime but you just have to talk to them and you'll see A lot of people don't expect me to like anime until they see my house and then there like 'wow you spend a lot of money' T^T so true
I know a few attractive females who are into anime just as i am, if not more. Unfortunately, they are out of state, or out of country. Seems to me you just want a girl who fucks like a rabbit and wants only you. All good things must be worked for. If you're not willing to get out there to work for toward your goal of having an anime obsessed, gorgeous girl in your bedroom waiting for you, then you will stay where you're at. Alone.
the problem is, we hida in a deep cave, because the tentacle monsters are hunting us ._.
I will describe the steps. I. Find a cute girl II. Start dating the cute girl III. Introduce her to anime (Not the crap you like. Find an anime she can click with AND THEN move her to the stuff you like.) IV. Otaku girl created Get good bro GG
what mididii said ._. they would be raped if they left...
Come now.. it's not rape if they're willing..
yeah.. its dangerous to be an otaku girl :|
ill add something from my experiences when it comes to dating people who enjoy anime. I have met a lot of people in conventions, some of which I find particularly attractive, but, only a small portion of relationships have worked out (or even gotten relatively close). I think this is due to the fact that they are either very shy and don't know that I'm sending signals, or (they just don't find me attractive lol). My only advice for this, seeing that I don't have a lot of experience with this kind of dating, is that if you see a cute girl at a convention or expo or wherever you are at, introduce yourself! If she doesn't seem interested then PLEASE leave her alone, but if she does then give her your number. There are a lot of girl otakus out there, you just need to put yourself out there. A SIDE NOTE! Please Please Please do not try to guilt a girl into liking you. "You probably won't give me your number because I'm so ugly, huh?" It makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Just be yourself and relationships will come to you. ALSO, just because a girl likes anime, DOES NOT mean that the relationship will work out, having similar interests is very important in a relationship, but also remember that you can't mold someone into something they aren't! PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE GUYS/GIRLS IT WILL HAPPEN!!
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