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a-kon 26

Nov 06, 14 at 5:01pm
For someone who claims this: http://a.nime.me/0044/1048/2014-11-06-16-59-28.png Ya sure act like it. :/
Awh, Taylor, how sweet of you. Thanks for joining the conversation! How are you doing, anyway? I'm glad you want to try and defend your little girlfriend here, (from what, I'm not sure... the truth IS the truth...) by using such harsh language and angry tone, but it wont amount to anything. Seeing your reaction fills me with joy, so please keep it flowing. Hey, you never know, maybe your girlfriend can clean up the mess once we're done.. you know I love you guys ;) As far as this unknown guy wanting to jump in here, don't know you, don't care. These two are my best friends.. well, more so Taylor, but you know how it goes.
OH, and for the guy who failed reading class, those two paragraphs are what I'm looking for in a relationship. Obviously, I don't want a relationship with Taylor, and they were put there after being with somebody, coincidentally, just like that. But hey, feel free to jump in more. Your opinion is greatly appreciated. On topic, not going, but boy, I sure would love to...
Nov 06, 14 at 6:49pm
Firstly for someone who claims to be best friends with those two you sure have an unusual way of showing it. True you all could be joking around and expressing yourselves like that since tone isn't conveyed in text. (The way you replied reads sarastically to me.) But it's hard to believe you when you are not friends with them. Second I share the same sentiments with you. Third this is a forum for all so of course people can jump in the conversation. Forth I did read and fully understand your profile. What perplexus me is that you're seeking somebody without those qualities but you show those qualities. Usually people look for others with similar similarities. So, you're just a walking contradiction of yourself? Then again that's apart of the human condition. Fifth the way she replied with harsh language sheds some insight on how people feel about you as well as how other people feel about you among the community. Lastly it only seems like you're just here to agitate people so why feed a troll?
In order. 1. Yes, it's sarcasm. There's a long story behind my deep-seeded hatred for Taylor that doesn't consern you. No offense. 2. Thank you. 3. I did say you can feel free to jump in. Just because I said I didn't care, doesn't mean your opinion isn't appreciated. 4. Going back to number 1, This... quality is only for Taylor and Lisa. My other interactions on the board are purely straightforward honesty. Honesty can be confused with being a dick, especially if people aren't used to being told the full truth. What I'm looking for, and who I am are one in the same. I wrote that a while ago, minus the bold part, and am not interested in a relationship from here anymore. I could delete it, but I rather not. My personality within a relationship (as long as it's a good relationship and not like the one I had from here) is a lot different than what is shown. Even though I'm still straightforward, I actually take feelings into consiteration, which if anything, is the contradiction. 5. The thing is, I don't care what people think of me. This is who I am, take it or leave it. If you don't like honesty and you rather have things sugar coated, I'm sure you can find plenty of people here to help with that. 6. I would never intentionally try and agitate people... it's all how they take what I say.
Nov 06, 14 at 8:39pm
Wow Jikokun, wasn't expecting that kind of response from you. Okay I can understand that you have a deep seeded hatred towards somebody; that you were possibly wrong. However does that give you the right to keep spreading the hate? The way it comes off is like you're still in high school. You are a grown man, why not be more mature about it? Some advice: just let it go; it's not worth it. I'm not defending anything on her behalf. So you don't care what people think of you? Is that because you're hiding behind a wall of anonymity called the internet or are you really like that in real life? Reputations do follow you sir... It effects your friends, co-workers, family, all people in your life past, present, and future. True, we don't know each other so when you come off negative to someone you just encountered it does not reflect positively; like a hypothetical handshake. Hey, I'm a very honest person myself, in fact I've been described as being brutally honest sometimes. Perhaps the way I went about it wasn't the best of ways but I was pointing out an honest observation that I had of you but I feel like I didn't come off ugly like you did by referring me as the "unknown guy". My moniker is right next to my mug sir. You describe yourself as being honest; which is an absolutely great quality by the way. However there is a bit of art to it known as being tactful. We're not robots, I think, so why leave out the humanity and being civil when communicating with people? So you intentionally try not to agitate someone? So you say... and that people take what you say in the wrong way... However I see the same patterns of it in a lot of threads you are apart of to a point that I rather not even cross your path. And no, I'm absolutely not afraid of you in any form, I just don't want to put up with the, for a lack of a better word, trouble you cause. In any case I'll man-up and apologize if I came off on the wrong foot but I'll tell you this right now: You're not the type of person I associate with so I'd appreciate it if you'd kindly don't communicate with me. Nothing personal.
xueli @xueli commented on a-kon 26
Nov 06, 14 at 8:53pm
can't go to akon, I'd actually have to pay for stuff and I'm cheap like that lol XD
Nov 06, 14 at 9:04pm
Aww.. But even for the brief moment I saw you at Oni-Con, sure was a sight to behold.
Nov 06, 14 at 9:09pm
Moving on, the last A-kon I attended was 24. We tried to do a meet-up but we all were busy will stuff we wanted to do. Especially when veteran voice actress Cathy Wesulock was there signing autographs. I wasn't in line for her to sign anything contemporary of hers but I sure did have my Ranma½ set signed by her. I wound like to participate in a meet-up this time.
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