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Ladies:Ever have older men ask you out? does it scare you?

Ignoring my last comment, considering it was irrelevant to the conversation anyway, I don't know how to feel about the age question. I mean, I'm a guy, so I guess it wouldn't bother me much if someone was younger or even older than me. I figure, at least 22, shouldn't be a big deal, and there's nothing wrong with someone in their early or late thirties either. 20 and 40 would be pretty pushing it. 19 is right out. I mean, being in your twenties, I may be 27 old, but I still feel young enough to live my life. And being with someone younger can help give me a sense of responsibility and comfort knowing that I only have the best of intentions for someone else. But, I guess, when you think about it, I can understand how the age gap can affect some people differently. Being around "some old dude" can be really creepy, and being that "old dude" around a lot of younger folk can feel exhausting at times, especially in this hobby. I just don't let it get to me and try not to be that "dude." That's all I can do.
I feel that that last comment I posted made me sound more like a jerk. I apologize.....gomenasai. It sounded like I was hating on older people....WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?
I'm pretty open about talking to people- I get along with almost anyone, and I don't mind casual flirt from people up to mid 30's or so (I'm 20) But when it's obvious that the age groups are quite different, I get nervous when I think an older guy is flirting with/ creeping on me. However, my dating range is roughly from 18-25, so even though I enjoy casual flirting, that doesn't mean I'm interested either.
I find myself running into this situation lately... otaku girls being put off because of my age. I'm only 31, mind you, but some of the girls at SpringFest (this anime convention in NYU Polytech) seemed to be genuinely frightened of me and I didn't even make a move on any of them. Okay, maybe a few, but still... I'm not gonna hurt you; I'm not Jack The Frickin' Ripper! I understand that some of you only feel comfortable around your age group (OMG, what is that older guy thinking?) but I guess what I'm trying to say is that you younger folks shouldn't be so harsh on a person whose only sin is wanting to know you better. Sorry for the rant, I had to get this off my chest.
i love "old dudes"...especially if they offer candy ;)
And what kind of candy do you like little girl? :P
Old anime dudes love young attractive anime chicks. Its how it is. I personally prefer women a little older or my same age but at 22yrs I could see dating a mature 18 or 19 year old. Basically, take it as a creepy complement and I'm totally available ;p
I don't see a problem with older guys hitting on you, unless he's saying/doing explicitly suggestive stuff then yeah I freak. But I seem to only get hit on by Black guys that look like gangsters...IDK why, it kinda freaks me out-the gangster part btw- I get complemented a lot by my dad's Black British friend, he's cool.
lol not really but i dont get out much ^^ i have been approached by a pedophile once ^^ (is that diff?)
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